Looking for your help to test out AI report generation

Evelin Kivioja
Evelin Kivioja Pipedrive Team Posts: 6 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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edited January 16 in Research and Beta Testing #1

Hey everyone! My name is Evelin, and I’m a product manager at Pipedrive 👋

We have heard your feedback about how hard it is to generate a report in Insights 📊 . Since this has been the biggest issue for our users, we created an option to generate a report with the help of AI 🚀. How does it work? Just write your prompt, and a report will be generated based on that prompt.

Since it’s still early in the process, there are some limitations. To understand what doesn’t work better, please let us know about those limitations in the feedback form for AI report generation or leave a comment under the post.

Since we’re still testing it all out and it’s not available for general use yet, you can sign up by adding your email here. After adding your email, we’ll turn on availability to test AI report generation at the end of January. You’ll get a separate email about that at that time. 💪