Email compose window is way too small

In almost every spot in the pipedrive app where you can create an email, the compose area is just way too small. In the main New Email view, factoring in an email signature, the total height of the compose space is 200px, while there's over 400px space below the form field – why?! On this page, the email compose window should reach all the way to the bottom of the browser.
The reply view is the same - only 200px. There is also a ton of vertical space being wasted on these screens 140px to the search bar, 160px to the back button ?!?, 100px to the "choose template" row of buttons, 250px to the formatting and attachment row of buttons – yet only 540px total to the compose window (and only 200px when you factor in an email signature). Its frustratingly difficult to view an email you are responding to while composing a reply.
The entire email compose function in Pipedrive could use some design improvements for efficiency in layout and prioritization of space. I run a product design studio, and while I like a lot of white Pipedrive is doing, there are some glaring issues like this one that are a bit surprising to see.