Lead Inbox to Deal Pipeline Automation Not Triggering

C_Marian8 Member Posts: 2 NEW MEMBER
edited January 28 in Workflow Automation #1

I have a Lead Inbox to Deal Pipeline automation that is only triggering for me, an admin, but not for other users: Trigger: Lead Created; Instant Condition1: Product Line X, Instant Condition2: Lead Owner; Action: Create Deal in X pipeline with Linked person, Linked organization, Pipeline stage, Lead Owner, Product Line, and Label. Why is this only triggering for me?


  • Tony Xavier
    Tony Xavier Pipedrive Team Posts: 192 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    100 Comments 25 Likes 5 Answers Second Anniversary

    Hello @C_Marian8,

    By default, any automation created would be set up in a way that the owner of the automation is the only person who can trigger it. We have two options that could fix it:

    1. Set the automation's status to "Triggered by Anyone", and actions taken by users with the right permission (in this case, mostly related to creating deal permission) will be able to successfully trigger the automation.
    2. You can share the automation with specific users, and their actions will trigger the automation. You can learn more about it here.

    We hope this helps!