Scheduling activities with a default duration

JB04 Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
Photogenic First Comment
edited February 5 in Sales CRM #1

Is there a way to set the default for all Activities to 15 minutes, so that when I select a start time, PD automatically sets the end time to 15 minutes later so that I don't have to select a start and end time each time. Thanks!



  • Nikolai Sokolov
    Nikolai Sokolov Member Posts: 139 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Answers 25 Likes

    Hi @JB04

    try this simple workflow:

    Basically, whenever you create an activity and it has a start time, adjusting the duration will change its end time.

    What I suggest doing tho is a shortcut for typical activities. I.e. we use "f" for follow-ups, which is a very simple workflow that:

    • triggers if an activity with the name "f" was created
    • changes activity type to email
    • changes the name to "Follow-up with {activity.person name}
    • changes due date to +3 days
    • changes the duration to 15 min

    You can obviously use different settings for this, but the idea is to quickly add an activity with a snippet name, which is then changed by automation according to your rules.