Mass export files from Pipedrive

deepashettar_28 Member Posts: 5 NEW MEMBER
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edited February 24 in Sales CRM #1

I wanted to check the options to mass export all the files from Pipedrive and store them on a drive. When I export files in Pipedrive the export file contains the download link and this is a manual process as I have to use each link to download the files one by one which is time-consuming.

Best Answer


  • Alex - LeadOn
    Alex - LeadOn Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Answer First Comment Photogenic

    Use the Pipedrive API to retrieve all stored files. You can do this with the following endpoint:


    This will return a JSON response containing file details, including the download URLs.

    Each file in the response will have a property called "url", which is the direct download link. You can write a script in Python (or any other language) to iterate through the list and download each file automatically.

  • deepashettar_28
    deepashettar_28 Member Posts: 5 NEW MEMBER
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    @Alex - LeadOn Thank you. How can I save the file with the file name, file id and the related record Id when I run the Python script?

  • Alex - LeadOn
    Alex - LeadOn Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Answer First Comment Photogenic

    According to the official Pipedrive API

    The response contains all the data related to the file. I built this script to download the files, I hope it helps

    I have created an example of the script on GitHub, and there are also all the instructions on how to use it.
    Lead0n Examples

    I hope it helps

  • deepashettar_28
    deepashettar_28 Member Posts: 5 NEW MEMBER
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    @Alex - LeadOn I will try to use the resources you have provided to test the export. But I may need more help if I run into issues. Thank you so much.