Email automation
I have an email automation project going on and have run into some hiccups. The idea is to import a value from excel into pipedrive as the deal value. This import will trigger an automation which sends out an email to the deals' contact person.
The trigger switches on whenever I edit the value of a deal, I have about a 100 clients in Excel and I imported the data with correct deal id's and organization names, but the emails won't go out. When I change the deal values one by one, by hand, pipedrive sends an email. However, when I import 90+ changed deal values, the automation doesn't trigger.
Any idea what's wrong?
Hi @ajlintunen importing data into your Pipedrive account does not trigger any actions within automations, except imports that update or delete leads. But you can use a bulk-edit action after your import to trigger your automation for all selected deals.