Choosing Pipedrive

Jonathan Gennick
Jonathan Gennick Member Posts: 87 VERIFIED MEMBER
Fifth Anniversary 25 Likes 10 Comments 5 Up Votes
edited June 2024 in Sales CRM #1

I first heard about Pipedrive from a podcast while walking for exercise one winter evening. It may have been a February evening. It may have been snowing. I’m not 100% certain which podcast it was, but I liked what I heard about Pipedrive being laser-focused on moving deals through a pipeline and closing them. I had just read Jeb Blount’s book, Fanatical Prospecting.

1. Pipedrive is Visual

Pipedrive’s Kanban view drew me in immediately. I’m a visually oriented and tactile person. Prior to Pipedrive I had been managing my deals using an unwieldy 3x5 card matrix on a countertop in my office. Pipedrive provides that same at-a-glance view along with the same, viscerally satisfying experience from dragging a deal from one stage into the next.

2. Pipedrive is Cloud

Suddenly I could access my deals, deal history, contacts, notes, everything from all my computers. And from my phone. I work my pipeline now from airline seats without juggling stacks of paper cards. Reviewing notes via the phone app is a lifesaver at trade shows when I’m madly running to my Nth meeting of the afternoon and can’t remember why. 

3. Pipedrive is Second Nature

Do you ever work with a system that’s rigid about entering data and in what order? Pipedrive made a good impression by allowing me to type in deal name and contact name, and the contact record is created automatically for me to fill in later. Furthermore, I can intuitively click back and forth between deal record and contact record. 

I’m a “lone wolf” user of Pipedrive in my organization. My job is to recruit book authors and not to sell per se, but the fundamental problems of pipeline are all the same. In 2019 I signed more deals than any of my colleagues. That’s a good result that comes from good tools and good practices. Pipedrive is the good tool part. 

Pipedrive is Deliverance from Stacks of Paper Cards


  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 100 Likes 5 Answers
    edited February 2022 #2

    Great story to read @Jonathan Gennick  awesome to hear how you are using Pipedrive and how it's helping you and your business.

    Join our Community. Connect with other Pipedrive users and sales professionals around the world to share stories, sales tips and product knowledge.
  • Jonathan Gennick
    Jonathan Gennick Member Posts: 87 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fifth Anniversary 25 Likes 10 Comments 5 Up Votes
    edited March 2020 #3

    Great story to read @Jonathan Gennick  awesome to hear how you are using Pipedrive and how it's helping you and your business.

    Thanks Mike. And I just last night used the group email feature for the first time ever. Sent a message to fifty-some prospects asking them whether they also will be at an event that I'm attending. Saved me a lot of time to send that question in one go. 

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 100 Likes 5 Answers
    edited March 2020 #4

    Great story to read @Jonathan Gennick  awesome to hear how you are using Pipedrive and how it's helping you and your business.

    Don't you just love discovering new time-saving features :)

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