Direct Upload of files to Google Drive:

Hugo Sandall
Hugo Sandall Member Posts: 17 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited July 2022 in Apps and Integrations #1

I need urgently to be able to upload client files directly to Google Drive.  It seems that I have to download the files first and then upload to G-Drive or am I missing something?

I want to activate Zapier to upload from PD to G-D when a deal gets to a certain stage, EG "Completed"

Any thoughts here?





  • Inês Batata
    Inês Batata Posts: 2,004 VERIFIED MEMBER
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary 25 Likes First Answer
    edited November 2021 #2

    @Marcelo Silva You're a bit of a wiz with Zapier, any suggestions for @Hugo Sandall  here? 😉

    We do have API endpoints for files, but I'm not aware if Zapier supports them.



  • Marcelo Silva
    Marcelo Silva Member Posts: 223 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments Photogenic
    edited August 2020 #3

    Oi Inês! Eu tento :D

    Nas configurações do Pipedrive você pode subir automaticamente os arquivos que você sobe no negócio, pessoa ou organização.


    Ele pode até mesmo compartilhar automaticamente com todos usuários do Pipedrive e criar uma pasta do Pipedrive para organizar melhor.




    Minha dúvida, você quer subir no drive arquivos que o cliente te manda por e-mail e chegam até o pipedrive como na foto abaixo?


    Se sim me diga qual seu servidor de e-mai. Se for Google é bem fácil de resolver.


  • Hugo Sandall
    Hugo Sandall Member Posts: 17 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited August 2020 #4

    Hello and thank you!

    I would like the "files" (6 PDF's approx) in a "deal",  to "upload" to a Google Drive "folder" once the deal reaches the end of it's life, EG the last stage. 

    That is so my client can access the completed files for their records via a shareable link.

    I hope I have explained that OK

    Thank you again  :-)

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