Grouping Of Fields

I'd like to suggest a missing feature, that I'm sure many like myself, deem critical in the long term. We need to be able to group custom data fields. There is zero point in a CRM that isn't able to effectively store data as needed, and a list of 50 custom fields in a bar on the side, with no grouping just doesn't make sense. Please look to add this as soon as possible. It would make all our lives a lot better.
Trying to setup the factfind for mortgages & protection sales. Does anyone know how to organise the custom fields for a client so it's not just one massive list of fields in the right hand side of the contact record. Ideally need it grouped somehow.
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Hey Martin,
I've been mulling this over for a while too- fortunately I've just found a great support company here in NZ that provide the FF in an excel doc that then feeds into their CRM, so my problem got solved for me!
I've always run Pipedrive as more of a marketing and communication CRM alongside a custom risk CRM, because they typically don't deal with those things well. Could you maybe do up your FF in excel and then set up a zapier integration to feed the info into different areas of PD etc? (Not sure if you have to produce a statement of advice like we do here, but some info is only required for that so a zap from the excel doc to the SOA in word works well ie not all info has to go to Pipedrive.) Sorry for the somewhat waffly answer- it's late here ;-)
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Great suggestions @Nicki Kane in the meantime when you check if this works for you @Martin Lightbowne I've added the "feedback & feature suggestions" tag to your post so our team is aware of your suggestion.
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Hi @Martin Lightbowne just replied to an earlier post of you but I'm seeing you've already posted it as a feedback now as well. I'll make sure our team sees the suggestion and hopefully we can improve this in the future!
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Thanks @Mike van der Valk . For me this is the only area that lets pipedrive down. Would be great to see it improved.
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Hi @Mike van der Valk ,
have you made any implementations regarding grouping of custom fields? We are facing the same issues as described by Martin, trying to get customer related collaborative task out of other tools like google planner into our CRM.
Best Jan
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Jan Kühne said:
Hi @Mike van der Valk ,
have you made any implementations regarding grouping of custom fields? We are facing the same issues as described by Martin, trying to get customer related collaborative task out of other tools like google planner into our CRM.
Best Jan
Hi @Jan Kühne I wish I have good news but unfortunately there's no progress. I know this is has been on the table of our team for a while but so far other updates have gotten the priority. I'll highlight this again to our team, hopefully it's not far away but I can't promise unfortunately
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Hi @Mike van der Valk ,
I've a similar requirement and I was wondering if the problem could be resolved by creating an App Panel ?
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Conduit Projects said:
Hi @Mike van der Valk ,
I've a similar requirement and I was wondering if the problem could be resolved by creating an App Panel ?
Hi @Conduit Projects !
Absolutely, simply follow the instructions on the page you linked. See this section: How can I add an app panel to Pipedrive?
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Are there any news on this? Grouping custom fields is mandatory to keep information organized and easy to consult.
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Would love to see this feature. It's really desperately needed. I don't think a techy option like app panels is the answer for most users, it would be much better to have built in functionality.
I'm a mortgage broker too and I've got dozens of custom fields in deal view which is fast becoming one long jumbled mess. Finding the right piece of info quickly when you're on the phone with a prospect is difficult.
I don't understand why you'd allow 100 custom fields but have no way of sorting or categorising them with headings/collapsible headings etc to make them easier to view.
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I've seen this mentioned a few times by other people but would like to add my two penneth...
Pipedrive, you offer the ability to have 1000 custom fields. Yet there's no ability to do any of the following:
- group fields by custom headings/categories, and make those headings collapsible, expandable,
- search for a field
- Sort fields alphabetically
- Show only empty fields
I'm a mortgage broker. When I'm on the phone with a new PD lead, I need to be able to find fields quickly and easily, either to find info or enter it. I only have 85 custom fields and already I find it very difficult to find the field I want quickly. Can you imagine how unworkable it would be with 1000 fields?
Please, please, please, before you roll out campaigns or your latest and greatest add-on to grow average customer spend, work on your CORE product and make sure that's up to scratch first.
It's pretty annoying to feel you're ignoring an obviously needed CRM improvement because you're too busy developing add-on products to grow revenue.
Rant over. Thank you for listening.
Kind regards,
Graham Cox
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Mike van der Valk said:
Hi @Martin Lightbowne just replied to an earlier post of you but I'm seeing you've already posted it as a feedback now as well. I'll make sure our team sees the suggestion and hopefully we can improve this in the future!
Hi Mike, any updates on this? We're in the process of evaluating a couple of tools - this feature would be a good to have. I notice the last update was last year.
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Mike van der Valk said:
Hi @Martin Lightbowne just replied to an earlier post of you but I'm seeing you've already posted it as a feedback now as well. I'll make sure our team sees the suggestion and hopefully we can improve this in the future!
Unfortunately this has not been prioritised by our teams yet
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This is a super important feature that is missing on Pipedrive - can we have an update on its prioritisation? Is there a way that we can get this further prioritised?
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The ability to group custom fields (and all fields) is a really needed feature in the system to help organize data points for end users. We have several dozen custom fields and it's frustrating for end users when they're in one long list and they have to sort through all of them to find what they need. Can someone from Pipedrive please provide an update on when this feature will be available? I'm seen this same request posted over the past three years and no improvements. Unfortunately, for us, this is a big enough pain point that is making us look at other solutions where it is standard functionality. Anything you can do to push this up the priority list NOW would be greatly appreciated.
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Pipedrive, I'm aware you're working on the ability to assign custom fields on a per pipeline basis. That will be a big improvement but to be clear, not enough on it's own. We need to be able to organise/categorise and search the fields better, as per my original post. I'll also have to consider moving away from PD if these improvements aren't on the horizon. Which I'd hate to do, as overall I really it.
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My company uses a LOT of fields in both deals and organizations. This ends up looking compressed and messy when you open a deal or org page.
I suggest adding personalized sections to the sidebar, to subdivide the fields into subcategories for users to easily find what they want.
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Hi Pipedrive,
Please can you respond to my most recent post so I don't feel like I'm talking to myself. Thank you
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Hey Graham,
I know that Pipedrive is working in 2023 specifically on the custom fields.
I do not have more information about it but hopefully could help you !
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Yes, it would be good to get some feedback on when exactly in 2023 though.
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@Mike van der Valk Do you have an update about the possibility to group custom fields?
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I believe per pipeline fields is coming. I too have asked for grouping of fields, the ability to search fields, only show empty fields and so on. As ever, sometime never seems to be the stock response from Pipedrive.
PD: Did you know you can use up to 1000 fields?
User: No that's amazing thanks. How do I sort through them?
PD: You can't.
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Pipedrive, the only reason I'm doing posts like the above is because of the complete absence of feedback on features that were requested years ago.
Your live chat support is exemplary. Yet on here, you expect us to post and get next to nothing back from you. Why is that?
Why can't you update your customers when they ask questions on here? Frankly it's just plain rude.
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PD, no response from you since March 22 to this thread.
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It'd be great to add sections and headings into our custom fields to help group them and navigate the custom fields easier. We have a lot of custom fields
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This is also important for us too. A big reason we want to use CRM so it's a central place to store customer data, but we can't. We are currently using multiple spreadsheets to accomodate information that should be in the CRM.