Archive pipeline - missing functionality

Saul Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
Third Anniversary 5 Up Votes

I know many people use pipedrive for the multiple pipeline support.  However, the inability to archive old pipelines no longer in use is a big missing piece of functionality for us. There are many times in which a pipeline is no longer needed, but you don't want to lose the deal history by deleting the entire pipeline.  This could be simply solved by allowing us to archive those no longer needed rather than deleting them.  

We raised this concern, but Pipedrive responded by telling us that 'they don't even seem to be there' when using filters, but this is not our experience - when picking a pipeline to view (in the board/kanban view - which is primarily the view we use) there is a list of pipelines and that list is getting very big and unwieldy because we cannot archive old ones.....

Is anyone else experiencing this problem? 

6 votes

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  • Inês Batata
    Inês Batata Posts: 2,001 VERIFIED MEMBER
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary 25 Likes First Answer
    edited June 2022 #2

    Hi @Saul Annett , thank you for your feedback!

    Currently it's not possible to archive pipelines but to make your list of inactive ones less cumbersome you can reorder them to the bottom of the list and/or edit their name adding an X before the title.



    That being said, we appreciate your input and use it to give our teams thinking points to be considered in the future. Can you please shed some light on why your pipelines frequently become unnecessary? 

  • Andrei-Adnan Ismail
    Andrei-Adnan Ismail Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited July 2021 #3

    Hi @Saul Annett , thank you for your feedback!

    Currently it's not possible to archive pipelines but to make your list of inactive ones less cumbersome you can reorder them to the bottom of the list and/or edit their name adding an X before the title.



    That being said, we appreciate your input and use it to give our teams thinking points to be considered in the future. Can you please shed some light on why your pipelines frequently become unnecessary? 

    Hi, same problem here. We have 20+ pipelines that are obsolete, and want to archive (as opposed to deleting). They are mainly different tries for different channels for launching a new service, each with their own stages that are a little different. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

  • Paulina Randmets
    Paulina Randmets Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited July 2021 #4

    Yes, I agree that is a functionality very much needed! I am also piling up pipelines, and it would be great to be able to archive them.

  • Kriss Kokoefer
    Kriss Kokoefer Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited September 2021 #5

    I am also disappointed we can’t archive. I entered a bunch of deals that I no longer want to track but I don’t want to lose the entries. 

  • Mary Ellen Slayter
    Mary Ellen Slayter Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited December 2021 #6

    Just wanted to echo the need call for this functionality. One of the reasons I love Pipedrive so much is the ability to focus on specific lines of business. In some cases, these are events that we decide afterward not to repeat. I want to be able to save that activity, but not have it cluttering my primary work view.

  • Shaheen Samavati
    Shaheen Samavati Member Posts: 8 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Second Anniversary Name Dropper First Comment
    edited February 2022 #7

    Hi @Saul Annett , thank you for your feedback!

    Currently it's not possible to archive pipelines but to make your list of inactive ones less cumbersome you can reorder them to the bottom of the list and/or edit their name adding an X before the title.



    That being said, we appreciate your input and use it to give our teams thinking points to be considered in the future. Can you please shed some light on why your pipelines frequently become unnecessary? 

    Pipelines pile up because of the reasons others have already said: you decide to redesign a sales process, or stop performing a certain sales process, but don't want to lose record of the old process and all of its deal stages.

  • Bradley_73364
    Bradley_73364 Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited March 2022 #8

    Same for us. We set up a pipeline per year per territory because our sales are annual. This adds up pretty quickly. 

  • Hywel Glynn-Jones
    Hywel Glynn-Jones Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited March 2022 #9

    Hi @Saul Annett , thank you for your feedback!

    Currently it's not possible to archive pipelines but to make your list of inactive ones less cumbersome you can reorder them to the bottom of the list and/or edit their name adding an X before the title.



    That being said, we appreciate your input and use it to give our teams thinking points to be considered in the future. Can you please shed some light on why your pipelines frequently become unnecessary? 

    Has there been any further development on this subject? An archive feature would be really useful

  • Casey Noble
    Casey Noble Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited June 2022 #10

    Hi @Saul Annett , thank you for your feedback!

    Currently it's not possible to archive pipelines but to make your list of inactive ones less cumbersome you can reorder them to the bottom of the list and/or edit their name adding an X before the title.



    That being said, we appreciate your input and use it to give our teams thinking points to be considered in the future. Can you please shed some light on why your pipelines frequently become unnecessary? 

    Also confirming a call for this function would be super beneficial for our team

  • Kalie Kelman
    Kalie Kelman Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited July 2022 #11

    In my case, I don't mind deleting the pipeline, but I can't figure out how to do that. Can someone direct me?

  • mnemar
    mnemar Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment

    I concur, archiving a pipeline is very important. I work for multiple clients at the same time, and I don't want to lose the data when I'm done working with someone, archiving pipeline is very beneficial.

  • Abbie Ross
    Abbie Ross Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Second Anniversary First Comment

    I agree this functionality is very necessary

  • Tammy Wood
    Tammy Wood Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Second Anniversary First Comment Photogenic

    For the purposing of retaining old info I created one pipeline called "segments" and placed old pipelines into different stages inside that "segments" pipeline. You can't retain stages as before but you can have all the biz from that pipeline in one list (Stage).

  • Mathias Verraes
    Mathias Verraes Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    I'd like to add my vote to an archive feature. Like many people, I like to keep things clean and organised, and also retain all our data.

  • Sam Tuke
    Sam Tuke Member Posts: 6 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Second Anniversary First Comment Photogenic

    Same here. Table stakes feature. Please add already.

  • Javosanc
    Javosanc Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary First Comment

    Just voted. Is this feature coming soon? I see there's an archive feature in the projects section. Hopefully this can be implemented in the Pipeline section soon!