Conditional logic for display of custom fields in Deal detail.

Jazmin Poyser
Jazmin Poyser Member Posts: 20 VERIFIED MEMBER
10 Comments 5 Up Votes

I have spoken with Pipedrive support and this doesn't exist/isn't possible, but placing it here as a feature request. 

The use case is:  

  • We use Label field for our Organisations, to categorise the type of organisation eg. Lender, Customer, Consultant.  We also have plenty of custom fields. Certain custom fields may relate to one particular type of organisation.
  • We would like to be able to control what fields show/display in the Deal detail view (left hand panel) based on conditions.   Eg. the organisation has the label Lender, so show the custom fields in the detail view that relate to Lender.  NOT ALL the custom fields all the time.

Having all the custom fields all the time, can make it busy and sometimes confusing - seeing more than is necessary for a particular case.

By having the ability for conditional logic to display/hide fields in the Deal detail would be very useful to display particular fields at particular stages of a pipeline as well. More so, useful to HIDE until necessary later on in the pipeline.   We don't find the 'duplication' of using the 'important' fields to be useful.

If you would like more examples or need the above to be explained better / in more detail let me know.

10 votes

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  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,063 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited July 2022 #2

    Hi @Jazmin Poyser this sounds like a super cool feature! Thanks for sharing. I'll pass this on to our team!

  • Jazmin Poyser
    Jazmin Poyser Member Posts: 20 VERIFIED MEMBER
    10 Comments 5 Up Votes
    edited March 2021 #3

    Hi @Jazmin Poyser this sounds like a super cool feature! Thanks for sharing. I'll pass this on to our team!

    Thanks @Mike van der Valk 

  • Liina Laas
    Liina Laas Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited March 2021 #4

    I second this. We have Investors, Startups, and Partners as key org types.

    Then, for example I want Startups to be assigned a "stage" like "idea, pre-seed, seed" etc and Investors to be assigned a type like "family office, fund-of-fund, state fund, pension fund".

  • James Raman
    James Raman Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited July 2021 #5

    Hi @Jazmin Poyser this sounds like a super cool feature! Thanks for sharing. I'll pass this on to our team!

    Any updates on this Mike? I am trying to get custom fields to display in a deal when the division (another custom field) meets a criteria. Seems simple in theory...

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,063 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited August 2021 #6

    Hi @Jazmin Poyser this sounds like a super cool feature! Thanks for sharing. I'll pass this on to our team!

    Hi @James Raman unfortunately this functionality isn't available in Pipedrive at the moment :( I've highlighted this again to our team but they are currently working on other initiatives.

  • Ewan Ferguson
    Ewan Ferguson Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited April 2 #7

    I would certianly find this feature useful and can explain the concept...

    My company make 3 different types of sale - Products, Services, Support - for example.  

    I have added fields to my Deal Details section to capture information about these sale types. 

    Currently all fields show and sales people have to know which fields to fill in and which to leave blank for each sale type.

    I would only like the fields pertinent to each sale type to show when the sale type is selected.  This could either be as a result of a selection in another field or by adding a label to the deal.

    Could anybody else make use of this feature?

  • Ewan Ferguson
    Ewan Ferguson Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited September 2021 #8

    Hadn't seen your post and just added my own post with the same feature request :D

  • Amit Sarda (
    Amit Sarda ( Member Posts: 1,613 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited April 2 #9

    This would be possible if you use separate Pipelines for each type of sale and use Required and Important fields to set this up. Currently, there is no other way for Pipedrive to differentiate one type of sale from the other. Totally understand if you can't/don't want to have separate pipelines though.

  • Ewan Ferguson
    Ewan Ferguson Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited April 2 #10

    This would be possible if you use separate Pipelines for each type of sale and use Required and Important fields to set this up. Currently, there is no other way for Pipedrive to differentiate one type of sale from the other. Totally understand if you can't/don't want to have separate pipelines though.


    Love your creative thinking but I would see this as more of a work around than the solution I am after.  Hopefully the feature can be integrated at some stage in the near future.


  • Andreia Freixo
    Andreia Freixo Posts: 170 VERIFIED MEMBER
    100 Comments Pipedrive Team
    edited April 2 #11

    Hi Ewan,

    Thank you so much for leaving your feedback about our custom fields. You are correct in saying that this is not currently possible. I have passed the feedback along to our product team internally and I can assure you they will review it and take it into consideration. Feedback is very precious to us since it helps us improve.

    To stay updated on new features, you can follow our What's Planned and What's New pages. :)

    Kind regards,

  • Rasmus Castro_54204
    Rasmus Castro_54204 Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited November 2021 #12

    Any update ? 

  • Tri State Commercial - Office
    Tri State Commercial - Office Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited July 2022 #13

    Hi @Jazmin Poyser this sounds like a super cool feature! Thanks for sharing. I'll pass this on to our team!

    Any updates on this feature? ETA perhaps? or place in queue?

  • Mathias Brask
    Mathias Brask Member Posts: 51 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Any news on this ?

    Would be great!

  • Timi
    Timi Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    I second this too, we would love to have this feature.

  • Administrator_14693
    Administrator_14693 Member Posts: 40 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited March 18 #16

    This is really needed in our business. We have an International soccer org. and there are details we do not need for a Lead vs Deal

    We also have custom fields which need conditional logic/ dependency. EX: We have a custom field named: ROLE. When PLAYER is selected vs PARENT it would be nice to have conditional logic/ dependency only show details needed for each. Certain fields should show or remain hidden.

    Currently, it is very confusing as there is no conditional logic/ dependency built in and same options appear for LEAD & DEAL, even when setting the limited options to: show/hide/grouping fields. Same repetitive items show for a lack of dependency and AUTOFILL.

    Same goes with AUTOFILL. With same - conditional logic/ dependencies, we should be able to AUTOFILL certain fields.

    We are also still waiting on ability for PARTICIPANTS to be queried, emailed and texted.

  • MC
    MC Member Posts: 81 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Our users would LOVE this feature in Deals and in Projects. It would make the interface of Pipedrive so much simpler for users, as they would only see fields that are relevant. In our Pipdrive, they have to scroll past a lot of fields and field groups in plenty of scenarios, as we have 180 (and growing) custom fields.

    By the way @Mike van der Valk is this request a double-up on this one:

    Perhaps these should be merged?


  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,063 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    Hi @MC I will share it with our team thanks for the tag :)

  • Alex_Optimize_Inspire
    Alex_Optimize_Inspire Member Posts: 11 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hi @Jazmin Poyser , Really great feature from my side as well. @Mike van der Valk & @Andreia Freixo please keep having an eye on that development. As a professional user I created some custom fields in the DEALS section regarding sepcific products we offer. If there would be an automation on:
    If I select that specific product in DEALS Details, then please only show a specific group of custom fields.

    Maybe easier in development: Just show a specific group (category) of custom fields. Then it's only 1 "If/then function" to program and we define the custom field categorie manually as users😉