How to send TEMPLATE email to specific addresses?

Aleksandr Salekh
Aleksandr Salekh Member Posts: 8 VERIFIED MEMBER
First Comment
edited April 2024 in Workflow Automation #1

Hey, Pipedrivers! 

Seeking for your advice.

Wondering if there is opportunity to inform my colleagues with email when DEAL STAGE or DEAL STATUS is changed to a specific one. 

  1. They are not connected to Pipedrive, so I need to use automation, I believe. 
  2. I want it to be proceed through name of a DEAL, that will be sent via FIELD of the DEAL in the TEMPLATE. 
  3. I want to let PERSON in the DEAL - original one, not adding my colleagues to all DEALs I create. 

How may I manage to send TEMPLATE email to specific addresses? (regular 3 email boxes)

Adding automation preset: 




  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,037 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 100 Likes 5 Answers
    edited February 2022 #2

    @Aleksandr Salekh this should work if you just change the "to:" field in the "send email with template" action. This should contain a specific email address which you can write out.

  • Aleksandr Salekh
    Aleksandr Salekh Member Posts: 8 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited April 2020 #3

    @Aleksandr Salekh this should work if you just change the "to:" field in the "send email with template" action. This should contain a specific email address which you can write out.

    Dear @Mike van der Valk , thank you foк attention. 

    However rather I am doing it wrong or....

    FIELD "TO" is Mandatory (I can not change it, if I am not wrong)


  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,037 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited April 2020 #4

    @Aleksandr Salekh this should work if you just change the "to:" field in the "send email with template" action. This should contain a specific email address which you can write out.

    @Aleksandr Salekh you need to hit cancel there and type it in the "to" field. Check out this video that should help :)

  • Nuno Oliveira
    Nuno Oliveira Posts: 89 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 25 Likes 10 Comments Name Dropper
    edited February 2022 #5

    Hey @Aleksandr Salekh! Just as Mike shows in the video, even though there are options in the dropdown menu, you can also type the email addresses directly in the text box. 

    Btw, we are working to improve this and other user experience behaviours with our latest beta version. 

    If you are interested to test it out, just join the channel and book a time:

    If you have any trouble booking let me know ; ) 

  • Aleksandr Salekh
    Aleksandr Salekh Member Posts: 8 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment
    edited April 2020 #6

    @Aleksandr Salekh this should work if you just change the "to:" field in the "send email with template" action. This should contain a specific email address which you can write out.

    Dear @Mike van der Valk, it worked! 

    Thank you! Incredible. 

    I  appreciate your help ! 

    Best regards.

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,037 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 100 Likes 5 Answers
    edited May 2021 #7

    @Aleksandr Salekh this should work if you just change the "to:" field in the "send email with template" action. This should contain a specific email address which you can write out.

    Glad I could help!

  • Aleksandr Salekh
    Aleksandr Salekh Member Posts: 8 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment
    edited April 2020 #8

    Hey @Aleksandr Salekh! Just as Mike shows in the video, even though there are options in the dropdown menu, you can also type the email addresses directly in the text box. 

    Btw, we are working to improve this and other user experience behaviours with our latest beta version. 

    If you are interested to test it out, just join the channel and book a time:

    If you have any trouble booking let me know ; ) 

    Hey, @Nuno Oliveira, thank you for the offer. 

    Is it going to be specific tests or something I would need to create in order to test it out...?.

    Never participated in such a tests. 

  • Nuno Oliveira
    Nuno Oliveira Posts: 89 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 25 Likes 10 Comments Name Dropper
    edited April 2020 #9

    Hey @Aleksandr Salekh! Just as Mike shows in the video, even though there are options in the dropdown menu, you can also type the email addresses directly in the text box. 

    Btw, we are working to improve this and other user experience behaviours with our latest beta version. 

    If you are interested to test it out, just join the channel and book a time:

    If you have any trouble booking let me know ; ) 

    Hey @Aleksandr Salekh! Basically you'll be jumping on a call with me to test a beta version of Automation, that I'll enable temporarily (during the call duration) for your company. Then you can try to set up a specific workflow. The main goal is for us to learn what needs to be improved on our side.

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