Remove Recurring Revenue from Sidebar

Erik Lindholm
Erik Lindholm Member Posts: 24 VERIFIED MEMBER
Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes Name Dropper
edited July 2022 in Sales CRM #1

Please add the ability to remove this and any other functions for the company as a whole. There are a few features we don't use and it gets in the way of using Pipedrive. This is especially confusing to some of our team users that are older and not computer literate. The more things in the way, the more difficult it is to navigate and the less likely they are to use it. The reason we signed up for Pipedrive in the first place was because of the clean interface and great usability. 


  • Paulo_82
    Paulo_82 Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment Pipedrive Team
    edited May 2022 #2

    Hey there @Erik Lindholm you can hide it from the sidebar section, in matter of fact you can manage it and select what you want to appear and in what order, near the won/lost button you have three little dots and under this you have the option to manage sidebar section, there you can edit it. You can check more about it here:

    Please note this is a user settings, so every user in the company can choose how to appear on their account. 

  • Erik Lindholm
    Erik Lindholm Member Posts: 24 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes Name Dropper
    edited May 2022 #3
    Paulo said:

    Hey there @Erik Lindholm you can hide it from the sidebar section, in matter of fact you can manage it and select what you want to appear and in what order, near the won/lost button you have three little dots and under this you have the option to manage sidebar section, there you can edit it. You can check more about it here:

    Please note this is a user settings, so every user in the company can choose how to appear on their account. 

    Thanks. I did reach out to support and got the same answer. The point was to be able to hide this for the company as a whole from the admin side. I'd also like to hide "invoices"  and any other items/fields we don't use. I do like the available options, but we use specialized software for other items and it can be confusing to some users since they don't match what we have to use to run the business. 

  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,036 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 100 Likes 5 Answers
    edited May 2022 #4
    Paulo said:

    Hey there @Erik Lindholm you can hide it from the sidebar section, in matter of fact you can manage it and select what you want to appear and in what order, near the won/lost button you have three little dots and under this you have the option to manage sidebar section, there you can edit it. You can check more about it here:

    Please note this is a user settings, so every user in the company can choose how to appear on their account. 

    Thanks for sharing @Erik Lindholm and for replying @Paulo . I've passed on your feedback with our team of Product Managers. As Pipedrive we want to be helpful in our features so I understand your suggestion of being able to hide features your team is not using.

  • Nancy Vamvakas
    Nancy Vamvakas Member Posts: 29 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited May 2022 #5

    Yeah....   Takes a lot of real-estate and is of zero use to our company

This discussion has been closed.