Emailing automation

Sales_25379 Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited May 2022 in Sales CRM #1

Dear all, i'm new to Pipedrive and i'm fighting with the automation possibilities.

I would like to create a flow like the following:


  1. Send email 1
  2. If not answered within 3 days
  3. Change funnel stage and send email 2
  4. If not answered within 3 days
  5. Change funnel stage and send email 3
  6. If not answered within 3 days 
  7. Action

3days to be only Tu-We-Th

Is that feasible?



  • Brad Krause_13404
    Brad Krause_13404 Member Posts: 365 VERIFIED MEMBER
    100 Comments 5 Up Votes
    edited January 2021 #2

    To create those types of automations that are dependant on a person replying to your email you may need to look into Mailigen. We are currently looking to change from constant contact to Mailigen for deeper pipedrive integration. 

  • Sales_25379
    Sales_25379 Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited February 2022 #3

    Hey Brad, thanks for your feedback! I see that Mailigen is mostly like mailchimp. What i'm trying to do is automate the first email and send a 2nd and 3rd if my customer doesn't reply.

    He is an already contacted lead but i don't want to be on top of the mailing process. Is there any other alternative?

  • Brad Krause_13404
    Brad Krause_13404 Member Posts: 365 VERIFIED MEMBER
    100 Comments 5 Up Votes
    edited January 2021 #4
    Sales said:

    Hey Brad, thanks for your feedback! I see that Mailigen is mostly like mailchimp. What i'm trying to do is automate the first email and send a 2nd and 3rd if my customer doesn't reply.

    He is an already contacted lead but i don't want to be on top of the mailing process. Is there any other alternative?

    An automation like that couldn't be built in pipedrive as far as I can tell. Would be a feature available inside a 3rd party mail add on like mailchimp or Mailigen. If you are currently using mailchimp I would suggest contacting them directly about that operation. Or maybe someone will read this that knows how it could be done in pipedrive but I'm not seeing it. 

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