2way sync Pipedrive Mailchimp GDPR challenge

Eirik Larsen
Eirik Larsen Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited June 2022 in Apps and Integrations #1

We get leads from different channels. Some come from people who register on a form (no problem here). But we also target our leads ourselves, and after we have had a meeting with a potential customer we would like to keep them warm by adding them in mailchimp. But we can not add someone to mailchimp without acceptance from the person.

What I would like to do is setup an automation. When a person is added to Pipedrive a standard email is being sent to this person asking them to accept receiving newsletters. I dont want them to fill out a form, just click a button. If they click accept, then they get synced with mailchimp. 

Anybody got a solution for this?


  • Brad Krause_13404
    Brad Krause_13404 Member Posts: 367 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment 5 Up Votes
    edited January 2021 #2

    I don't have a solution for that specifically but we have begun the process of looking into switching over to Mailigen ourselves because of better integration. Not sure Mailigen would accomplish your specific need biut the integration is more robust and likely getting better. Just something you may also want to look into. 

  • Janis Rozenblats
    Janis Rozenblats Posts: 168 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary Pipedrive Team First Answer Photogenic
    edited March 2021 #3

    @Eirik Larsen I like the way you are thinking about this process, the right way ;)

    There is a way to do what you described with Mailigen and the Syncbot integration between Mailigen and Pipedrive. 
    Here is more info about the SyncBot integration that Brad mentioned: https://support.mailigen.com/mailigen-pipedrive

    While there is no out of the box solution for contacts moving from PD to Mailigen to be sent a double optin verification email, you can sync contacts from different filters to one list in Mailigen and then set up automation to be sent to all contacts that join a particular segment. 

    After getting contacts to Mailigen, set up a new automation to start on a trigger "when a contact joins a segment", then start a flow and send first email immediately the trigger. The first email in the flow would contain a button or a text link with a double optin verification link that can be added.

    Here is example screenshot from the email template editor, merge field dropdown contains the link you are looking for.

    You can try Mailigen here www.mailigen.com/pipedrive

  • Katie Walters_28954
    Katie Walters_28954 Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited January 2021 #4

    Hey @Eirik Larsen !

    I am the Product Manager for the Pipedrive integration tool Sync with Sales by Target Robot. With Sync with Sales, you can easily sync over your Pipedrive leads over into Mailchimp.

    The problem though with Mailchimp is that when you have GDPR turned on, we are required to add new contacts from Pipedrive as unsubscribed/opt-out email until they actually opt-in to your subscription list. Which means you will not be able  to send them an email from the Mailchimp interface. There are obvious ways around this, but we would not recommend it.

    You could set up an automation in Pipedrive asking users to sign up for your email, which would require them to fill out a simple one-field form (only requiring email.) But I know you said you were trying to bypass that step. As of right now, there is no way to send the verification email without the user signing up from the form.

    If you do create a Pipedrive automation with a simple form to your subscription list in Mailchimp, you can then use Sync with Sales by Target Robot  to sync all their information over from Pipedrive, including full contact information, as well as company and deals information. We create and update tags in Mailchimp based upon where they fall in your deals pipeline. This would allow you to easily create segmentations and automations in Mailchimp based upon your pipeline. 

    Let me know if you have any questions!

    Katie Walters
    Target Robot

  • Andrus Purde
    Andrus Purde Member Posts: 126 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes 100 Comments Integration Partner
    edited March 2021 #5

    Eirik, could you ask about adding them to you newsletter at the end of the sales/call meeting? That's what I do when speaking to new potential affiliates, literally get a 100% success rate of getting them to subscribe. (They can unsubscribe with 1 click later)

    Because I save call notes in Pipedrive, I also record whether they agreed to be sent newsletters in the notes and in a "subscribed to newsletter - yes/no" custom field. 

    And you could then use Outfunnel to sync people who have given you permission to email from Pipedrive to Mailchimp. Outfunnel can even update the "subscribed to newsletter - yes/no" field in PD if and when people unsubscribe in MC.

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