different languages for custom fields

Bernd Auer
Bernd Auer Member Posts: 346 VERIFIED MEMBER
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Many international companies have employees who do speak very different languages. In some cases they can not commit to 1 language (like english). It is great that Pipedrive supports 17 different languages, but you should be able to name the custom fields as well according to the language settings of a user. 

13 votes

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  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,037 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited February 2022 #2

    Thanks @Bernd Auer that's indeed one of the things that doesn't get translated now along with Pipelines and stages. I've passed it along to our team!

  • Lars Franke
    Lars Franke Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited September 2021 #3

    Thanks @Bernd Auer that's indeed one of the things that doesn't get translated now along with Pipelines and stages. I've passed it along to our team!

    Hi Mike,

    Are there any updates regarding multi language support for the custom fields?

    Best regards,


  • Mike van der Valk
    Mike van der Valk Pipedrive Team Posts: 3,037 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited October 2021 #4

    Thanks @Bernd Auer that's indeed one of the things that doesn't get translated now along with Pipelines and stages. I've passed it along to our team!

    Unfortunately not Lars :( I'm gonna poke some people so they can hopefully take it into consideration but at the moment it's not in the near term plans.

  • Steffen Hepp
    Steffen Hepp Member Posts: 32 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited March 2022 #5

    Dear Pipedrive Team, a lot of companies are still waiting for this feature which is standard in other CRM Systems. What are your plans in providing different languages for custom fields?

    Thanks for your response!

  • nielsk
    nielsk Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Agreed... the stuggle is real - it's a potential dealbreaker not to be able to communicate with clients/coworkers in native languages. Hope it's on the drawing board, because i'd hate to see pipedrive go as a consequence.

    Keep up the excellent work @Mike van der Valk and team pipedrive!

  • Bernd Auer
    Bernd Auer Member Posts: 346 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @nielsk and @Steffen Hepp and @Lars Franke : Please do not forget to upvote this :-)

    @Vittoria De Paoli you would need this as well :-)

  • Dimitri Rupp
    Dimitri Rupp Member Posts: 7 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    These days, each and every part of any software has to be multilingual.

  • Sysret
    Sysret Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Please post an update here! This has been a feature request for more then a year.

  • Bernd Auer
    Bernd Auer Member Posts: 346 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Any news on this? I still hear this regularely.

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,371 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    Hi @Bernd Auer , having different languages for custom fields according to user language settings is not part of the plans for the immediate future. But the product team continues to keep an eye on the number of comments and upvotes on this request, and it may be something they can pick up further in the future.

  • Bernd Auer
    Bernd Auer Member Posts: 346 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hi @Manuel Oliveira,

    just had a meeting with a HVC prospect. For them this is a showstopper. So they will not upvote it because they are not a member of this community but pick another CRM. The good thing: Hubspot is not able to cover this either. They already had a look at it ;-)

    The message is: This feature is not for so much interesting for existing Pipedrive customers rather for new customers. And not for the 3 people accounts, but for the international, 50+ users.

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,371 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    That is very interesting, thanks @Bernd Auer . I will be sure to check with our researchers if they have any data on this matter.

  • Pia Y
    Pia Y Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Manuel Oliveira Any up dates on this one? I'm having this same problem. Currently our team Consists of majority of Finnish speakers (not all comfortable using the system in English) and a minority of English speakers. In the future more languages will come along. I would like service both, but as mentioned in the previous comments the custom data fields do not translate.

    It does look incoherent when English speaking will need to fill in fields with Finnish titles and options or vice versa.

    We really would like to make system most usable to all of our users.

    One good thing is that in the web forms you are able rename titles visible to users.

  • Bernd Auer
    Bernd Auer Member Posts: 346 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Mike van der Valk Any updates on this? I get this a lot!

  • Hannes Kiivet
    Hannes Kiivet Pipedrive Team Posts: 4 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    Thanks for sharing this idea! While we understand the value of translating custom field names, we currently don’t have plans to support this. Since users enter data in a single language, translating field names could introduce complexity—such as different users seeing different labels while the data itself remains unchanged, potentially causing confusion.

    As a workaround for deal fields, you can add a description that includes translations of the field name in multiple languages along with a longer explanation. This helps ensure clarity while maintaining consistency in data entry.

    We appreciate your feedback and are always open to exploring ways to improve the experience—keep the ideas coming! 🚀

  • Bernd Auer
    Bernd Auer Member Posts: 346 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Hi Hannes,

    Just so you’ve heard it once: This is one of the most common reasons why companies consider switching to other CRMs. Salesforce and Hubspot are able to do that. Especially larger companies eventually expand abroad and hire local employees who no longer understand the original CRM language. Maybe Pipedrive should reconsider implementing this instead of using technical complexity as an excuse.

    Besides that, a regular user doesn’t see the complexity if — just like when changing the system language — they simply see different values. And an admin can handle it as well. Plus, Pipedrive has excellent UX designers. I’m sure they can find a solution.

    The workaround with the description only helps to a limited extent. Who wants to read a text every time they fill out a field just to make sure they do it correctly? And if a new option is introduced, does the description text have to be updated every time? That adds complexity! Moreover, the description is only available for deals, not for contacts and organizations. The actual workaround being used is the one shown in the screenshot below. And that feels complex to people—not setting a system language that affects custom fields.

    I understand that this isn’t a problem in an international team like Pipedrive’s. But put yourselves in your customers’ shoes. They are small teams that often not in the position to hire highly trained employees who speak multiple languages.

  • Hannes Kiivet
    Hannes Kiivet Pipedrive Team Posts: 4 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    Hi Bernd! Thanks for taking the time to share more details—I really appreciate it! 😊 It helps us better understand the situation.

    As you noted, both Salesforce and HubSpot offer this feature, but only on their Enterprise plans, likely due to its complexity and associated costs. Their pricing starts at $165/mo per seat and €150 per seat, which is significantly higher than Pipedrive’s price point and may not align with the needs of small teams. Keeping our platform accessible and cost-effective is one of our priorities, so until we don't get additional signals that customers are willing to pay extra for that, I think it is not feasible to add to the roadmap. Thanks again for contributing to the discussion! 🚀