Forecast on signed and "open" Recurring Revenue

Bernd Auer
Bernd Auer Member Posts: 346 VERIFIED MEMBER
Fourth Anniversary 100 Up Votes 100 Comments 25 Likes

There are a lot of postings on this topic. But I do not give up hope that one day this will work properly.

 Both we and a lot of our customers would need a basic forecast report on recurring revenues. It should give an overview over signed recurring revenue and a forecasted MRR according to the weightened revenue of open deals. The result should look like this:


I was hoping that at least the API allowes to export all necessary data but today I found out the the endpoint is deprecated

What is the plan with this feature? Will it be developed further so that it can be used operationally at some point, or will it be left as it is now? Besides the forecasting I still do not know how to handle for example upgrades or downgrades in a usable way. 


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  • Anna Lukasson-Herzig
    Anna Lukasson-Herzig Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited March 2021 #2

    Really awesome would be a MRR goal here and then the fulfilment with signed and forecasted deals. 

  • Inês Batata
    Inês Batata Posts: 2,004 VERIFIED MEMBER
    2500 Comments Third Anniversary 25 Likes First Answer
    edited March 2021 #3

    Hi @Bernd Auer , could it be this you're looking for? Insights reports: Revenue forecast

    See more options here and let me know if this still doesn't satisfy your goal.

    In any case, I can tell you that we have plans to improve Recurring Revenue but I don't have an ETA I can give you at this time. 

    However, keep your eyes peeled in the Research and Beta Testing channel, something will happen there soon ;)@Anna Lukasson-Herzig I think this might be of interest to you too and I've made sure the team noted down your suggestion for when they'll work on updates again.

    Stay tuned and thanks for sharing and your patience!

  • Anna Lukasson-Herzig
    Anna Lukasson-Herzig Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited April 2021 #4

    Hey Ines, unfortunately I can't see the subscriptions, that have been won back in 2018 or 2019 or 2020, but still run. I can only see them, when I choose the start date of the report to be back then as well, but then the report shows the entire time frame and as monthly view would be too much, it is only shown quarterly. The numbers don't match as well, but this could be our fault. Many thanks however anyhow. All the best, Anna 

  • lee
    lee Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    I just spent an hour chatting with support for the third time as I (we, sometimes) couldn't wrap our heads around the forecasted revenue report not showing, well, total forecasted revenue.

    I’ve got all the data in there as payment schedules or subscriptions (or sometimes deal values). I've got deal probabilities. Pipedrive robots should be able to sum that up into how much $ is coming in each month.

  • Bernd Auer
    Bernd Auer Member Posts: 346 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Up Votes 100 Comments 25 Likes

    @lee, it really took a me while to understand that the deal value is completely seperated from the recurring revenue and the payment schedules. If you think it to the end it makes perfectly sense. But still I just can agree: The entire function should be improved.