Using date field and activity type as filters

Mikko Mantere
Mikko Mantere Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER

We use Pipedrive as a sales tool for an IT company. What is significant is that our customers have several different products we maintain and have implemented them at different paces and the products are handled by different experts.

We want to discuss the product situation with the customer at least once a year with the administrators of each product. This is referred to in this context as “product discussion”. In addition, we want to discuss the customer situation with the management of the customer organization every year. This is referred to in this context as “customer conversation”.

Pipedrive has two key shortcomings in being able to remind the responsible person of either a customer conversation or a product conversation schedule.

  • When using the date field as a filter, the configuration possibilities of the filter are limited to e.g. 1-6 months. However, our need is to have a filter that can make the view “all customers with more than a year of last activity” this would require expanding the filter.
    Our suggestion would be to develop a feature in the filter that would allow the user to specify the number of months he wants to use in the filter alongside the hard-coded one. Of course, choosing “one year” would help us with this single problem and could be faster to implement.
  • An activity type cannot be used as a filter, but Pipedrive always looks at an activity, so we cannot monitor annual appointments by activity type. This would require an extension to the filter configuration.

Have other users observed similar limitations in activity monitoring? I would love to hear how you have solved these types of problems or can Pipedrive be developed for these?

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