Is there a way to merge accounts that are located on different databases?

@PATRICK EDWARDS could you provide us with a bit more information?
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First thing that comes to my mind is to export from one and import to the other. Then merge.
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Felicity Nolen said:
@PATRICK EDWARDS could you provide us with a bit more information?
Hi Felicity,
We at would like to set up an enterprise account and actually speak with someone in person. Our issue is that we have two accounts open one in the US and one in Australia. Currently, the information we have in Pipedrive resides in two different databases. We would like to consolidate this information into one location so we can create reports and have a single source of truth.
Can we please arrange a call? I would like to include Graeme Speak on the call. We can speak as early as 4:00 AM EST (NYC).
Patrick Edwards
+1 (917) 325-0603
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Felicity Nolen said:
@PATRICK EDWARDS could you provide us with a bit more information?