Linking multiple deals

We operate in the construction industry. PD is set up as follows:-
Different deal for each service we provide (with multiple pipelines).
But these deals may be all on the same site.
Be great to link these deals together.
Anyone know of a work around?
You can use the Org record to link all associated deals.
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Amit Sarda said:
You can use the Org record to link all associated deals.
Thanks, but i know this, i want the deals to be linked by a custom field, in this case "Site Name".
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Confused as to why you would need to link the deals since both would presumably be linked already to the same organization record.
Based on your brief description I believe we originally went down a similar road for our database organization and we completely changed it for the better.
Are you creating a new organization for each site you do work at or are you just using deals as different sites?
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I second to Tom's statement - If we could link deals together via a Site Name field, that would be awesome. Sometimes you don't win all deals on the site with the same organisation.
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I second this as well. Need to link deals/services that are related to the same project.
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You could add a custom text field, and add the links to the related deals there.
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Hey all 👋
Did you find a workable solution that you are happy with @Tom Chapman , @Jotham McNaughton & Pipedrive admin ?
--If not, have you tried the Projects module in Pipedrive?
We have some clients using Projects as a means to link multiple deals.
EG: Won the contract for construction Wembley stadium (3 year project) and we then link multiple individuals deals (x3 diggers, 45 tonnes of MOT etc.) to the project.
Not all deals covert to a winning deal, but we can visulise the progress of said deals against the LARGER project.
Happy to talk if you have any other questions.
Bruce Bignell
01273 011187