Getting new deal notifications from Pipedrive Forms through

Joep Meindertsma
Joep Meindertsma Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited July 2022 in Apps and Integrations #1

Hi everyone! 

I've set up to sent notifications to my Discord server for every single event. This is working great for deals that are created manually, but for some reason, deals created by forms are not pushed.

To solve this, I added a new bot that only works with 'new deals', and that's working fine.

I think the fix for pipedrive should be to create 'event' objects for new form deals. 

Thanks for reading!


  • lucasmx
    lucasmx Member Posts: 18 VERIFIED MEMBER
    5 Up Votes Name Dropper Combo Breaker Photogenic
    edited May 2022 #2

    I've used in the past, and while it is very simple and have a nice interface, sometimes it simplifies so much that you lose control over triggers details.

    I've moved to Integromat. It has a difficult learning curve at start, you master it very quickly and can create multiple interactions or triggers. I'm just passionated about Integromat + Pipedrive. Also it has a very decent pricing.

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