Workflows: Multiple triggers

Hi all,
It would great to have the option for more than one trigger in a workflow. At the moment I have for every "Deal created" Workflow a second Workflow with "Deal updated".
I just wanna have the option to trigger the workflow when a Deal is created or updated. Or you change updated in a way that create also triggers update.

Yes, this is pain, especially when you cannot change the trigger, so you cannot duplicate workflows and just change the trigger from "created" to "updated". You need to recreate everything from scratch.
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Yes. Very frustrating.
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Years later and no updates or response on this. Still no multiple triggers, no conditionals/paths, it’s crazy. In a world where competition is rapidly innovating and implementing new features, it’s hard to believe that Pipedrive seemingly has little desire to improve some of the archaic functionality like the workflows to try an stay relevant.