Ideas for PD Development

Richard Gilbert
Richard Gilbert Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER

Hey, regarding the smart docs, is there functionality for a client to choose an option in the product table?

Also, is there an automation function that allows auto populating of the product section in a deal when a deal pipeline stage is progressed and the deal is tagged with a label


Xero integration - end users (sales staff) that dont have access to Xero for confidentiality reasons should still be able to generate invoices.  We also need repeating invoices functionality.

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  • Irina Iglesias
    Irina Iglesias Pipedrive Team Posts: 32 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Third Anniversary Pipedrive Team First Comment Photogenic
    edited September 2021 #2

    Hey @Richard Gilbert!

    With the Smart Docs feature, for the moment there is no option to make a specific selection in the product table as docs will automatically populate with the relevant deal, contact, or product details from your Pipedrive account exactly as you have on that specific item. 

    It's definitely possible to add products to deals when certain actions take place with our Workflow Automations. Please reach out to our support via chat or email at if you need assistance getting this workflow and we will be glad to help. 

    Thank you.