Email Tracking and Forwarding

Pipedrive, Can you please help?
1. When I forward an email from gmail to pipedrive, anyone cc'ed or bcc'ed on the original email is also sent the email. This is obviously awkward and not ideal.
2. Please add the option to block specific email handles from the email and click-through tracking. If those copied from my own company are being tracked upon opening, this feature becomes useless in those situations. Both of these requests were available in Hubspot.
Thank you so much for your consideration!
I don't know if this will help anyone else, but YOU CANNOT FORWARD EMAILS TO PIPEDRIVE!!!! You have to bcc them ONLY. If you forward them it attaches the Pipedrive email address to a specific contact, and forever afterwards will attach that contact to any further emails you forward. If you bcc them it works fine. It means that if you forget to bcc Pipedrive when you write to a client, you can only get the email into PD either by writing to the client again (which could irritate them) or by copying and pasting your email into your contact notes. Hope this helps.