More formatting features in Settings

Lisa Wallace_59157
Lisa Wallace_59157 Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER

Hi @Janis Rozenblats,

Another feedback for you! Could the following "Content" properties be also available in "Settings" properties? 

  • Text colour
  • Line height
  • Letter spacing
  • Block options

It would help with the workflow - the ability to set up the design properties globally in "Settings", and then if need be, amend individually each row via the "Content" section.

Currently, every time I add a new row, I have to update the text colour, line height, letter spacing and block options. 

Thank you!

1 votes

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  • Dace Kraučuka
    Dace Kraučuka Posts: 21 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Fourth Anniversary 25 Likes 10 Comments Name Dropper
    edited June 2022 #2

    Hello, @Lisa Wallace !
    At the moment such change in Settings is not planned in our roadmap, but I will add this request to our backlog for future as improvement of the workflow.

    Thank you for reaching out, such comments allow us to work to improve our product. 

  • Oscar Rebolledo
    Oscar Rebolledo Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Photogenic First Comment

    Hi, has there been an update on Line height and line spacing?

    Also, I'd like to as about font options (such as adding Calibri) and font sizes as currently the sizes available are not very useful.

    I noticed that when changing the font size in an email (or template), say between 13 and 10 the spacing between the paragraphs remains the same, seems like 1.5 lines.

    Thank you.

  • Josh Monifi
    Josh Monifi Member Posts: 143 VERIFIED MEMBER
    250 Up Votes Fourth Anniversary 25 Likes 10 Comments

    When copy-pasting an email from a Word draft into Pipedrive, the email looks OK, but when it is sent, shows extra line spacing between paragraphs. Is there a way to see if this is going to happen in Pipedrive and avoid it?