Button to export with Pipedrive System ID after import.

Pipedrive change organizations name (sometimes delete parenthesis and word between them).
So when I import a file and export after that those same organization, I cannot find them with a VLOOKUP, because some names change. It could be very helpfull if we could have a button export in the import review, we could win a lot of times and if we have to modify something, it would be very easy.
Hi Meddy,
Importing should not change the title of your organization unless you are updating the name through import. If you are importing new organizations and the names between your excel sheet and Pipedrive are different, please contact our support so we can look deeper into this issue.
If you are updating information already on Pipedrive using an import and the ID, then please be sure the name of the organization on the sheet matches perfectly the name on Pipedrive. Once again, if you have doubts about this, our support will be more than happy to help!
Have a lovely week!
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Andreia Freixo said:
Hi Meddy,
Importing should not change the title of your organization unless you are updating the name through import. If you are importing new organizations and the names between your excel sheet and Pipedrive are different, please contact our support so we can look deeper into this issue.
If you are updating information already on Pipedrive using an import and the ID, then please be sure the name of the organization on the sheet matches perfectly the name on Pipedrive. Once again, if you have doubts about this, our support will be more than happy to help!
Have a lovely week!
Hi Andreia,
Maybe it's a feature we got, but Pipedrive changes the name of our company by API, I give you an example :
Nom: Société test Meddy → Société Test Meddy
16 septembre 2021 09:33 ·Meddy Neboud (API)
And even if it's an integration feature, users can change organizations name, and the only permanent thing is Pipedrive ID System, it's why it could be very convenient to export them in the import page, in "details" for example.
Have a lovely week!