đź“Ś Community Guidelines

Manuel Oliveira
Admin Posts: 1,410 COMMUNITY MANAGER

Be kind when speaking your mind
- Remember this is a public community resource, and we are here to help and inspire one another.
- Be civil. Post honest yet constructive feedback when discussing your or another member’s skills, knowledge and interests. If you disagree with a claim, Instead provide reasoned counter-arguments that improve the conversation.
- Don’t post offensive or abusive content. No name-calling, ad hominem attacks, impersonations or referring to a post’s tone rather than content.
- Keep private matters private. Don’t post anything on behalf of another member or discuss their personal matters.
Before you hit “submit,”: does the category fit?
- Be mindful of the topics of each category. Keep it tidy so that we can spend more time discussing and less cleaning up. A few rules of thumb:
- Don’t start a topic in the wrong category
- Don’t cross-post the same thing in multiple categories
- Don’t divert the topic and its mindstream
Not today! Keep spam and/or viruses away
- No one likes spam. Please avoid spam posting/selling, including any links or redirections to advertisements or other sorts of solicitation.
- While we’re on the topic of maintaining a healthy environment, we ask you not to share any file that contains viruses, corrupted files, “Trojan Horses,” etc.
We draw the limit at sexually explicit
Don’t post anything obscene or sexually explicit. Keep it wholesome for everyone’s sake.
Not to mention, no rule violation
Lastly, for your safety and everyone else’s, we urge everyone to follow the rules. You can use our Terms of Service for reference regarding rights related to content, privacy and laws.
This discussion has been closed.