Upload multiple photos

My salespeople have not been uploading photos on deals because they have them on their phone and it's too tedious to upload them one at a time.
When is batch uploading going to be added?
(Please like/comment if this is important to you too)
Hi @Jay Wealcatch ! I can see how that would be a time-saver, so we've sent your suggestion over to the team for consideration.
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I would use that. I also think their should be the option to only have the photo upload and not save to the camera roll since then I have to go back and delete them later.
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While we're dreaming... it would be nice that he photos and audio in the google drive could be named accordingly to the customer or something to make them searchable.
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Is anything being done about uploading multiple photos from a mobile phone? This seems like a super simple suggestion.
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Hi there, we are also looking for help with the same issue.
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Hi @Jay Wealcatch , it is now possible to upload multiple photos from the mobile app in one go :)