Suggestion : I'd like to suggest ability to create custom pipe source
We have a use case who is not possible with current pipe drive feature.
If you know Jira the feature is the same than the ability to create a custom JQL request to have your own Kanban.
Here in pipe drive the problem is this one.
Every people aren't segmented on the same business but do not want to witch pipe. They need to have a global view.
For example :
Christophe is managing the "pipe A" for its core business.
Stephanie the sales, is working on "pipe A" and also on "Pipe B"
Some people will need to have access only to pipeA, other only on pipe B and this is ok with current pipe Drive.
But we can't create a view with a pipe only for Stéphanie with a consolidated view of pipe A and pipe B
Our suggestion is to enable people to select the parameter of the request that is the Source of the pipe.
For example, allow us to select parameters same like in dashboard view (Who is owner of the offer, wich tag, wich pipe and so on)
Best regards