Inconsistency Google maps plug In

Robin Franken_65299
Robin Franken_65299 Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
First Anniversary Photogenic

Hi there,

we are using Pipedrive for a half year now, and have some difficulties with the Google maps Plug in. 

please give me your thoughts:

-  Pipedrive is connected with our ERP system. 

-  We send the address detail fields tot the API of our ERP. 

Sometimes there is no result or a bad result from google for the address detail fields and the formatted address gives a different result then the Address we filled in. 

Especially the French and UK Addresses are formatted incorrect or half. the result is empty fields in the "hidden Address details"

Because of those Address details fields are not filled/ sometimes incomplete. The result is faulty and or incomplete address in our ERP.

We've already contacted support and they admit that google or the plugin is not always consistent. But have not a solution right now, because it needs a complete tool rework. 

They suggested that we could export and import the faulty address to fill the address detail fields manually. 

But as soon as one of my colleagues changes the address we will experience the same issue. so that won't help.


Are there other users wo experiencing the same problems and may have suggestions for a solution?


please let me know.

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