Changing order of notes

Hello, I'd like to ask, if it is possible to change order of received and sent notes/emails at Contacts/Organizations. Now, the newest are displaying at the top and I need to reverse it, so that the oldest are displaying at the top. I want to summarize what was the the way of contacting each company and to analyze which channel is the most efficient. Now, to see the oldest notes, I have to manually scroll several years of conversation with each company to get to the bottom, which is wildly inefficient.
Does any of you know a better way to do this?
Right now they are sorted by created date and it does not look like there is anyway to change this.
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Boris Tsibelman said:
Right now they are sorted by created date and it does not look like there is anyway to change this.
Thanks, appreciated! Isn't it possible to bypass this process it in some way, to get this piece of information?