Quickbooks Integration for multiple users

Malcolm Henry
Malcolm Henry Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited October 2024 in Ideas and Product Feedback #1

Hey guys i'm having an issue with my quickbooks integration. My organisation is only able to connect one user account to quickbooks, however we require multiple users to have access for invoicing through pipedrive. How can i have multiple accounts achieve integration? 

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  • Kreete K
    Kreete K Pipedrive Team Posts: 347 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    edited July 2022 #2

    Hi Malcolm! 
    Currently, there is a limitation with Quickbooks integration and an active connection is possible with only one user. Unfortunately, no workarounds to have multiple connections ongoing. This is stated also in our Knowledge Base Quickbooks overview article
    Note: Only one user per Pipedrive company account can have an active Quickbooks integration at a time. The user who has the integration installed will be the only person who can see the invoices in Pipedrive.

  • Annika
    Annika Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Has this issue been resolved now that we're in 2023?

  • David Gurr (Make.com)
    David Gurr (Make.com) Member Posts: 65 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Annika one option would be to use Make (www.make.com) as an intermediary.

    Make includes connectors for Pipedrive and Quickbooks (as well as 1400 other SaaS solutions) and you can create multiple Quickbooks connections.

  • Adina Faiman
    Adina Faiman Member Posts: 17 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    This makes Quickbooks for teams pointless. And it would make sense to add this information at the stage when people are considering using this integration: https://www.pipedrive.com/en/blog/invoicing-pipedrive.

  • mwlsn11
    mwlsn11 Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    I also need multiple members on my team to access the quickbooks application so that they can send invoices.. (quotes would also be nice..)

    I get that QB would require you to pay a license for multiple users but why does PD care how many users are accessing an application?? This needs to be resolved

  • mwlsn11
    mwlsn11 Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    How would this work? I have checked out Make and it seems quite confusing.. Plus it seems to be an added cost

  • David Gurr (Make.com)
    David Gurr (Make.com) Member Posts: 65 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Make is a third-party solution, so you're right it does come at an added cost (though there is a Free tier for getting started and for low-volume applications).

    It's a complete workflow automation platform, so there is a learning-curve for any single use-case such as this. There's a free Make Academy for helping to learn the principles, and a vibrant Community of Make users ready to offer help and advice.

    But if there isn't any quick solution available, this might be a good option. Most Make users start with a single use-case and then find many more processes that can benefit from automation.

  • Mbuergs
    Mbuergs Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Has this been updated? It's 2024 and this is a huge issue that renders this app pointless. I just spent months setting this up to use with an expanded team, and now I have to find a completely different solution?

  • Annika
    Annika Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Make or Zapier are fine as external automation tools, but the point here is that we would like to use the Pipedrive-Quickbooks integration and have invoicing managed within Pipedrive.

    @kreetek and @Pipedriveadmin Could we please have a solution for this in 2024? Pipedrive invoicing is currently useless for teams due to only one member having access to it.

  • Annika
    Annika Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Kim235 Bot reply?

    QB integration page states the following:

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,364 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    Hi @Annika , as Kreete mentioned above, the built-in Quickbooks integration allows integration by only one user per Pipedrive company account. This is due to the way that the integration itself is built, and so cannot be changed.

    I’m happy to convert this conversation to a feedback thread so it can be upvoted, commented on by other members, and followed by our product team. While there will be no changes to this integration planned very shortly, it might become possible further ahead if there is demand.

  • Jeff Sprott
    Jeff Sprott Member Posts: 11 VERIFIED MEMBER
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     I understand it only allows one connection per QuickBooks user account but QuickBooks does allow multiple users to be added, so shouldn't you be able to make this work as long as a unique PD account is being connected with a unique QuickBooks account? This really puts a wrench in things so down the rabbit hole we go to find another solutions.

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,364 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    Hi everyone, Pipedrive’s marketplace integration for QuickBooks now supports multiple simultaneous user connections! You can learn all about it from this announcement.

  • Michael Tomar
    Michael Tomar Member Posts: 18 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited January 23 #15

    I hope this will help in solving the problem

  • Michael Tomar
    Michael Tomar Member Posts: 18 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited January 23 #16

    To enable multiple users to integrate QuickBooks with Pipedrive, set up shared access in QuickBooks by adding team members with invoicing permissions. In Pipedrive, configure user roles to allow access to invoicing features. This ensures all necessary users can collaborate seamlessly.

  • Gabe Kressel
    Gabe Kressel Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited January 23 #17

    To enable multiple users to integrate QuickBooks with Pipedrive, consider using apps that allow shared access or multi-user functionality.