New: Workflow Automation Delay Feature ⏱

Manuel Oliveira
Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,410 COMMUNITY MANAGER
1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 250 Likes 25 Answers
edited July 2022 in What's New #1

We are publicly releasing the very popular delay step in WA. This allows users to automate sequences with time delays such as:

  • Every time a Lead receives a tag, send an email, delay 3 days, send another email, delay, etc.
  • Every time a deal is moved to Stage 'Contact made', create an activity, delay 7 days, if the deal is still in the same stage, notify the deal owner in slack, delay 7 days, if the deal is in the same stage, close deal.


And many other possibilities 🙂


Gradual release until end of June 2022


For whom?
All users and companies with access to Workflow Automations

Have a look in the KB article for more details about the feature, and how it works.



  • Cristian Weiser
    Cristian Weiser Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited June 2022 #2

    Awesome! I was waiting for this for a long time! Nice job Pipedrive!

  • Mark Robert Halper
    Mark Robert Halper Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited June 2022 #3

    This is great - thank you!  It addresses your most needed feature and really opens up the utility of the program.  

  • Mark Robert Halper
    Mark Robert Halper Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited July 2022 #4

    Question on this, is there any way to make sure the emails are spaced out in a way so that I don't overwhelm my email provider if I have 20 people getting the same email at the same time (ie, Next Monday at 10:00am).  

    Even a few seconds between solves a lot of potential issues with email providers.

  • Cadmate
    Cadmate Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Comment

    Hi, is it possible to increase the time delay to 90 days? This is a great feature, but 30 days is very limiting. We sell 90-day subscriptions and would like automatic emails to check in on trial subscribers during the 90-day period. We currently have a workaround using Zapier, but it is messy, and this feature will allow everything to be controlled natively in Pipedrive.

  • Tim Jones_23598
    Tim Jones_23598 Member Posts: 11 VERIFIED MEMBER
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments Photogenic

    This is a great feature and it works really well, appreciate it!

    One question though - is it possible to add a condition that if the person you are sending the emails to replies or if you send them an email directly or if you move the stage they are in that the sequence would stop?

    Keep up your great work team PD.

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