multi user licence

For small companies having multiple users is very expensive, specially if you need Pro functionalities.
having a "bundle" with 1x Pro user and 2x or 3x Advanced or Essential would be great
in the present setup if I need 3 different users including one Pro means that I will pay 1800 usb/year although 2 of the users only require basic functionalities.
adding Project or other extension makes it worse...
thanks :-)
This flexibility in licensing will be very handy. It will allow better adoption of Pipedrive across the organization.
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Totally agree @Raphaël_70209 , i even raised this issue with the support-chat the other day. Then Andrea barahona reached out to me, asking for further comments.
This is what i described:
As for the request, I believe that introducing a CRM system in every organization will require a mindset of “selling”. That includes, that every member of the organization, which has valuable contact with the customers of the organization are either required to fill in the data into the CRM (by BCC/CC emails, logging etc.) or by having an account in the selected CRM.
In a small to medium-sized company, we all know that each employee may have different roles, different perspectives and different goals to measure. That said, it could be that a sales representive wants to keep track of her/his own sales goals, and that the CEO wants to keep track of customer loyalty, sales goals etc.
Often the CEO is not a part of a CRM, but a sales manager is (due to electing and tracking of sales goals), also an IT department will also not be part of the sales systems with an active license.
For example, since it is not making any sense to give me (as a business developer / IT guy) an license for making modification in Pipedrive, I now share a login with Jerk, on his account, making him an administrator, so we can fix and change things. But in the “perfect world”, I should have had my own license, being able to modify the views, creating filters, setting up accounts etc, but I cannot do that, unless I pay a full license. So now I take the risk of having our COO (Jerk) having the admin-rights, with the potential risk of breaking filters etc, compared to the other scenario.
I also take the risk of not inviting our CEO to the dashboards of Pipedrive (which I find really valuable), since that info will require another full-license. And for that pricing, it will be cheaper to just export the specific dashboard 2 times a month, and sent it by email.
The above scenario will hopefully clarify, that Pipedrive’s pricing model is working against, having every member of the organization working with Pipedrive, whetever they have little or much contact with the customers, whetever they are a CEO or part of the IT department. At the moment there is a lot of functionality working with “roles” and “rights / visibility rights” which is awesome, on the specific module, but maybe Pipedrive could put some focus in a pricing model, where a user could:
- Be part of different payment plan compared to the rest
- Selecting whetever the user should have access to dashboard, leads, emails etc. Just like the “projects addon”
- Having the option of adding a “freemium user” which can only read info in the system (CEO) for example, or only work with the dashboard, and setting goals for the teams. Since a CEO’s primary work-task is controlling and reporting to the board of directors, and take actions on company/sales insights.
- Having the ability of adding a “IT-department-license” that could work with setting up things, but restricted to not creating any entries (only things like import, export, filters, dashboard) should work.
- Not all users need to have access to all the areas of the Pipedrive system
I believe Pipedrive has gone a long way trying to accomplish this, but as stated earlier, the current visibility rights does not fulfill the actual requirements.
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thanks a lot for this @Mathias Brask ...
I love when people are genuinely persuaded they understand your business better than you.... unbelievable 🙄
it's not a question of whom access what, 1800 euros / year for 3 pro users is just too much money, maybe they are just not living in the same world...