DEALS linked to Activities, and change DATE for both

Hello everyone !
Can you help me ?
I need a new function :
1) to link more than one DEAL to an ACTIVITY; often I have two or three DEALS , with different products : one for pump, one for pipes, etc.. but for the same PLANT / BUILDING
2) when I change the DATE of the ACTIVITY, it should be changed automatically the DATE also of the DEAL(S) linked to it.
Thank you for your time.
What do you mean exactly by changing the date for a Deal? Do you mean the expected close date for a Deal or some custom field? If yes, then it can be set up as an automation: Activity updated (activity due date has changed) - Change Deal field:
If this is only meant to happen with specific activity types, I suggest adding this into conditions also to narrow it down.
In our system - one activity can only be linked to 1 Deal. If you have many products, maybe it would be best to have still 1 deal per Plant/building, but mark them by attaching different Products in our system?
If you still prefer to use multiple Deals, then you would still need to have multiple activities or then check the 1 single activity under Contact for example.
If you have any more questions, feel free to check with our Support team via in-app chat or email