Sorting "LABELS" in "LEAD" view.

Need help. How can I sort the "label" options in the drop down menu in the leads view? I can sort the actual leads by the "label" column, but when i'm assigning labels to a new lead, the options are listed in the order you've added them, not alphabetically. Help please.
Seconded! The sorting is basically random. See attached.
It's not alphabetical. It's also not by color (which a lot of us ascribe some amount of meaning to).
Ideal solution would be sort by color first, then by alphabetical.
If you implement it as purely alphabetical that works too and is still a significant improvement. I'll just end up putting "A -" before all my Greens and "B -" before all my Yellows lol.
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100% support this, a few lines of code and this would be fixed in minutes. Currently our lead labels are a mess
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I agree with this, too. I'd like the ability to sort manually or alphabetically. Thanks.
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I can't believe we can't sort the Labels List in Leads. How is this possible. It's the most important colume to sort by. I hope someone can FIX this. The ablity to see columns in Color is important for quick Assessment. Since ONLY the LABELS at present allow us to give Color it's really crazy that Pipe Drive has this as a RANDOM Sort .
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Most fields allow you to sort in whatever order you want. That should be a standard functionality in any CRM field. Especially for the Lead Label field.