Bulk changes to Organizations?

Luke H
Luke H Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
First Anniversary Photogenic First Comment

I know it's possible to do bulk changes from list view for Deals, but I'd like to make some bulk changes to organizations (and possibly contacts). The scenario is a change in the org with a new person taking over the EMEA region and I'd like to change ownership for all of these organizations from the an existing user to the new user (person responsible for that area). Is this possible? I could not find anything on this topic when I searched "bulk organization change". Maybe a different search?



  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,415 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    Hi @Luke H , that is possible, and you can find out more about it on our bulk-editing and filtering guide here. Do keep in mind that some bulk-editing actions may need you to be an admin user.

  • Luke H
    Luke H Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Anniversary Photogenic First Comment
    edited April 2023 #3

    Thanks. I thought I got it.... but I don't see Organization owner as an editable field for bulk changes. I thought if I add that column it would be possible, but that doesn't seem to be the case since the bulk fields seem to be independent of the columns titles. I see that I can change "owner" but I'm assuming this is the deal owner and I don't want to do that as some of the older deals should be attributed to a different person.

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,415 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    There is more than one field for ownership; there is deal owner, person owner and also org owner. When looking in your people or organization list, the "owner" column refers to people or organizations, and not the deals.

  • Luke H
    Luke H Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Anniversary Photogenic First Comment

    Sorry. I must not have been very clear in my previous post. BTW, I do have admin rights.

    I understand that there are multiple fields I can chose to show in the list view, including owner of org or contact, but these don't show up as options when I try to do a bulk edit for a deals list. The only attributes shown for bulk edit seem to be the ones associated with deals. There doesn't seem to be any correlation between the columns I'm choosing and the editable attributes since it doesn't seem to matter which columns I have, the options for fields in bulk editing remain the same.

    I've included an example screenshot where I have 6 deals selected, which allows me to access the Bulk edit menu. As you can see, I have a column for organization owner, but when I change the "owner" in the bulk edit, the org owner does not change, only the deal owner does. In fact, the action button at the bottom of the Bulk edit explicitly says "Edit 6 Deals". The only "owner" field available to edit is the one shown and when I make an edit using that field it changes the owner of the deal, not the organization.

    In the link you originally provided it says "The list view – found in both the deals and contacts tab....", but I can't seem to locate an organization tab in my interface.

    So.... I think must be missing the obvious step of how to create a list of organizations. Please explain how this is done. Or if I'm just missing something else in the deals or contacts lists that will actually allow me to bulk edit attributes for organizations....

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,415 COMMUNITY MANAGER
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 250 Likes 25 Answers

    You can find the list tabs for both orgs and people inside Contacts, as shown here.

  • Luke H
    Luke H Member Posts: 5 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Anniversary Photogenic First Comment

    Lol. Thanks! I swear I looked all over, but clearly not enough. I guess I just didn't expect to see the option for organizations under the contacts tab. I guess I had not realized contacts don't only mean people :-)