Q&A Mastering growth: insider tips for small businesses

Dina Osman
Pipedrive Team Posts: 128 PIPEDRIVE TEAM

Dear attendees of our webinar "Mastering Growth: Insider Tips for Small Businesses", ☀️
I want to take a moment to thank you all for attending our webinar and for the insightful questions you asked.
For those of you who missed the webinar, we have made the recording available.
We received many questions during the session and were unable to answer them all due to time constraints. However, we have gone through all of the questions and provided answers in the comments section of this post. So be sure to check them out!
Once again, thank you for attending, and we hope to see you at our future webinars.
Best regards,
Webinar team
- Can I use apollo.io with pipedrive? There is no native integration, however we would encourage you to use an API connector like Make to connect the two platforms, read more here https://www.make.com/en/integrations/apollo/pipedrive
- Do you have short videos for each automation that is available? We don't have available videos for each automation available, as Pipedrive can tailor according to your needs but we have available videos that will explain how to create them: https://learn.pipedrive.com/app/courses/3374b0da-28a2-47e4-adda-0f59dbe954a8
- Is it possible to upload pdf documents, that have been saved in a Pipedrive contact, to emails sent via Pipedrive? To attach an important file to a deal or contact in Pipedrive, go to the detail view of the item and select the "Files" option. You can drag and drop files into that section, or click "Select from your computer" to browse through your computer's files and select your intended file.
- Question was not how to get info from Linkedin but how to send MESSAGES from Pipedrive to Linkedin with automations...not sure this was answered. Might be wrong. There is a way to send messages to Linkedin contacts directly from Pipedrive interface using Dux-Soup connector integration available here https://www.pipedrive.com/en/marketplace/app/dux-soup-connector/9936d65b85221773
- Where is the best place to find learning tools? Our Knowledge Base or Academy: https://learn.pipedrive.com/app and https://support.pipedrive.com/
- We don't currently use the Leads inbox. Instead we use 'validate', 'lead-in' and 'nurture' stages for deals but have been considering classifying some of these as 'leads' instead. What would be some pros and cons of just using 'deals' rather than both 'deals' and 'leads'? The biggest advantage is data cleanup, you will be able to understand better your conversion from actual opportunities rather than the ones you are still validating. You can create different approaches by making that differentiation. The con of just using deals instead of spliting is really connected to your insights and reports of your business.
- "Regarding the pdf documents stored in pipedrive as a tool. I can create word documents, true - but not upload general pdfs. Customer support informed me that this might not be possible at all" To upload pdf you can use our feature of files, different from our Documents features. Here an explanation: https://support.pipedrive.com/en/article/how-can-i-upload-a-file-to-a-deal-or-a-contact
- Is it possible that sometimes the tracking of email opening features doesn't work? That behavior is not expected, we would ask you to open a conversation with our Support team
- Is there any way we can allow someone on the team to have pipeline VIEW access only? You can determine the access that your users might have, you can make it so that it is specific to pipeline view but that user will continue to have access to other features, but you can restrict their access to what they are viewing or what can they have access to: https://www.pipedrive.com/en/features/permissions-visibility
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- Do you agree that the 1º step to explore more Pipedrive and go further in the automations is establish a standard database of leads, contacts e opportunities? And another, Pipedrive is already integradet with Whatsapp?Thanks! Luis Felipe - Brazil :) Yes, we do agree that in order to go further with automations you'll need to establish a process and a database of your leads, contacts and deals. We have a WhatsApp integration by Twilio: https://support.pipedrive.com/en/article/pipedrive-integration-whatsapp-by-twilio
- Can I hire a pipedrive employee to help me with my business plan of implementing all the features? At Pipedrive, we have our Sales team that is able to guide you while you are in trial but if you do prefer a more personalized approach and help to implement and train we advise you to check our partners: https://www.pipedrive.com/en/solution-provider-partnership
- Can we get custom live support to help set up a proper dashboard? I'm struggling with the KPIs I need. We offer 24/7 support in english and Portuguese and you can have access to that team within your account - just quick on the ? and Chat with us. There you might bring the questions on what you are struggling - https://support.pipedrive.com/en/contact-us
- Some integrations need bug fixing. Like Gmail, Live Chat, Quickbooks. Are these being actively worked on for improvement? No changes in over 1 year, same issues. The team is collecting feedback on all features or integrations and prioritizing the improvements accordingly.
- Good info. ! Can I add video to the email campaigns? Yes, we do allow video content in our email campaigns. Please check the available formats here: https://www.pipedrive.com/en/blog/video-email
- I am the owner of the PipeDrive account with global admin rights and when I go to "campaigns" it is telling me I dont' have the required permission. Any tips or something I'm missing? Our Campaigns feature is an add-on that needs to be purchase on top of your account subscription. In case you are interested please see here what we offer: https://www.pipedrive.com/en/products/email-marketing-software
- How to add leads directly from linkedIN? With customized details as per my requirement. Cost efficient tool please. We advise your our integration with Dux-Soup: https://www.pipedrive.com/en/marketplace/app/dux-soup-connector/9936d65b85221773
- Krijgen we een reshow te zien of een kopie van de slides?? Yes, recording was sent via email.
- How to add leads directly from linkedIN? With customized details as per my requirement. Cost efficient tool please." We advise your our integration with Dux-Soup: https://www.pipedrive.com/en/marketplace/app/dux-soup-connector/9936d65b85221773
- IK heb een vraag over de instellingen van klanten. Mijn collega's kunnen in pipedrive niet alles zien.... Klanten zijn verborgen/hidden. EN zelf organisaties en acties zijn verborgen/hidden. Waar ligt het probleem. The problem might be on the permission sets and their type of user. At Pipedrive you have admins, regular, basic users and each one might have restrictions. You can manage their visibility in company settings: https://support.pipedrive.com/en/article/permission-sets
- Most automations are based on the leads found on the prospector which unfortunately have email which are often not valid If a lead that comes from Prospector is invalid it can be returned and credit applied back to your account.
- Is there an email address where we can send our Ideas for new features for pipe drive? Yes, at Pipedrive we love to hear your feedback please send it through our Support team via chat our support@pipedrive.com
- Would it be possible to have new automations that contact directly on Linkedin? We advise your our integration with Dux-Soup: https://www.pipedrive.com/en/marketplace/app/dux-soup-connector/9936d65b85221773
This discussion has been closed.