New: Transfer automations from one user to another!

Hey, Pipedrive Community! đź‘‹
We know that it can be a tedious task recreating automations in another person's account when someone decides to leave the team.
Now we've made it easier by allowing you to transfer an automation to any global admin in your company quickly!
We're currently rolling out this functionality - and expect it to be available to everyone on Advanced and higher plans by the end of the month.
Just select "transfer automation" from the more actions drop-down menu:
Select the global admin you'd like to transfer it to:
Transfer the automation, and you're done!
The receiving owner will be able to review and enable the automation.
Learn more on our Knowledge Base:
Hope we can have global automation editing access for all global admins! Would really help as not all team members know or have time to learn the automations
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Hi Mimi! Thank you for this feedback. We are currently working on enabling admins to allow other users to subscribe to automations to make it easier to set up automations for teams. I'll pass your feedback on to my colleague in case she has additional questions, if that's okay.
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Hi Natasha! Sounds good! Feel free to contact me if you have questions :)
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Hi @Natasha Kupusovic , this is great news. I can't see the option in the three dots dropdown in my account automations. is this beta? how can I access this feature? thanks!
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Hi @lazarovska! We're waiting on the feature to be fully localized to release to all users. I've enabled the functionality for your account, but please be aware that it is currently all in English. It should be fully translated to other languages in a week or so.
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Hi @LouiseB! We are waiting for localization to be finished so we can release the feature to everyone. If you're comfortable with the functionality only being in English for another week or so, please let me know and I'll enable it for your account.
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THat's wonderful, thank you!!
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I'm interested too! Can i get the beta? Thank you.
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Hi @Natasha Kupusovic, what about the release of this cool feature? I don't seem to see it via my space. Thank you!