Sorting of deals in pipeline, by drag-and-drop.

Hi. Do you need to be able to drag-and-drop your deals, to sort them in your own order?
At moment deals are shown in chronological order according to activity date overdue/due/scheduled.
But I need to be able to sort them according to which ones I find most important to work on.
Anyone else recognize this?
If you want to prioritize a few leads over others, it will ideally translate to you scheduling activities for those deals a little more aggressively. So, ideally, you are working out of the activities tab, and you should have activities scheduled for them.
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Hi @Ulla Knudsen !
By design, in the pipeline view the deals are ordered based on the dates of the activities assigned to them. This is because Pipedrive was built around the philosophy of "activity-based selling". So in the pipeline it's not possible to change their order or drag and drop.
But there are a few options if you want to visually reflect your deal prioritization:
- focus more on assigning activities to your deals, like @Amit Sarda suggested;
- use Deal labels to classify them according to your desired criteria;
- use the List View to filter and order your deals based on any deal field you prefer (you can even create a custom field if the existing ones don't suffice).
Hope that helps!
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I'm right there with you. I don't know why it sorts Deals this way. Personally I want to sort them alphabetically.
For instance, I may have a followup to XYZ Company scheduled for next week but then the customer calls me and tells me something that changes everything. I'd like to just easily find it in my Pipedrive rather than typing it in the search box.
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I agree. Additionally it would be amazing to have a sorting feature for each pipeline = you know they are similar in their process & flow but not quite the same after all. This sorting feature would allow the user to specify for each pipeline individually the usual sorting scenarios: A-Z, Z-A, manual order drag & drop, oldest on top, newest on top...
And if the programmers give it some more LOVE then they could allow a combination of those, for example:
- A-Z sorting for each stage
- BUT also permits manual drag and drop anywhere!
- lets add one more to it: if I manually drag a deal on top of a stage and this deal moves to next stage it will remain on top in that new stage; this characteristic can also be used for all activities linked to it! Those activities could jump on top of the daily To Do due to the fact it had been dragged manually on top at any stage and therefore its activities will also show up on top of the day? Does this sound useful Pipedrivers?
LIKE and COMMENT PLS this is a really important feature which allows us to place priority deals on top where they belong in my opinion...
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I agree 100% with the sort by alphabetical order in Pipeline deals view. When you are working closely with accounts in B2B sales, you are always on the lookout to update an account status, the closing date is something that we have less control over. I would appreciate if we could sort the Pipeline with words, dates, amount and other personal fields of interest.
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Inês Batata said:
Hi @Ulla Knudsen !
By design, in the pipeline view the deals are ordered based on the dates of the activities assigned to them. This is because Pipedrive was built around the philosophy of "activity-based selling". So in the pipeline it's not possible to change their order or drag and drop.
But there are a few options if you want to visually reflect your deal prioritization:
- focus more on assigning activities to your deals, like @Amit Sarda suggested;
- use Deal labels to classify them according to your desired criteria;
- use the List View to filter and order your deals based on any deal field you prefer (you can even create a custom field if the existing ones don't suffice).
Hope that helps!
Hi @Inês Batata I have just tested what you say and I don't believe what your saying is true. I have two deals sitting in a stage. Neither deal had any activities scheduled. Deal 2 in the list was highlighted Red as rotting. When I went into that deal and created an activity for today. Its position stayed where it was (no 2 in the list) I then created an activity for deal 1 (no 1 in the list) for tomorrow. Still no change to the list order.
It appears to me that the order in which the deals are created is the order they appear in any stage.
Which, is just rubbish really. There needs to be a variety of ways to sort. Both by rotting, deal value, manually, date added, name etc. It should also be stage specific. If I have 50 leads coming in from a prospector rotting/date added sorting is most important. However in the Quoted stage, working on the most lucrative deals as a priority makes sense, but so does "Deal probability"... This whole area needs some considerable enhancement IMO.
Come on pipedrive team
come through with the goods
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Hi @Paul Wood @James Watson @Martin Pfeiffer @Pierre Couture , thank you for your input and your use cases.
Currently these are the principles used to order deals in the pipeline. For ordering using other criteria the List View is your best friend, allowing to also filter to see only certain deals and then order those results:
That being said, we've made sure the team noted down your suggestion for when they'll work on updates again. This is where we make all product update announcements, make sure to follow them:
- Follow What's Planned to know what we're currently working on and what’s to come.
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- Join our Research and Beta Testing channel for the chance to try out early versions and give us your opinion about new and improved features before they go live.
@Paul Wood your deals should indeed have shifted in the pipeline as you assigned activities to them. Did you refresh your screen? If you did and the issue persists, please reach out to our Support team and they will help you. For urgent or technical issues Support is always the most adequate and quickest channel of communication. Thank you!