Storage on Pipedrive

I went to import a zoom meeting into Pipedrive and it states that anything over 50 MB is too large. I believe I may have set up the Google Drive Cloud set up but am unclear how to implement it. Any step by step on importing this and linking it to a deal would be helpful. Regards, Ron
Hi @Ronald I Gross 👋
We have an article that can provide some guidance on making sure you have your Google Drive connected, here you go:
If it is, you'll just need to go to your items detail view, and the option to add a file via Google Drive is there, here's an example on a Deal view:
Alternatively, if you really want to add it directly from your computer and are okay with losing some quality, you can always compress the video using an online tool and import it into Pipedrive.
Hope this helps, all the best to you!