Folder/label sync across email sync tool

Ben Gillard
Ben Gillard Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
edited July 2022 in Ideas and Product Feedback #1

Currently, the email sync tool purely brings in all emails in a list. I use folders/labels within Gmail to sort out my life, so would be good if these translated to the email sync to make it clear what I am up to!

4 votes

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  • Inês Batata
    Inês Batata Posts: 2,002 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited April 2022 #2

    Hi @Ben Gillard , thank you for your suggestion! We've forwarded it internally for consideration.

  • Jeremy Goldberg
    Jeremy Goldberg Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited March 2022 #3

    Yes we also want to use pipedrive instead of gmail/thunderbird and there are no folders to sort out the emails which may not relate to a deal.  Would love for that feature to be added.  We are considering upgrading to professional but wont until this is fixed. 

  • dgnfly
    dgnfly Member Posts: 7 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited September 2020 #4

    Likewise. If we're being asked to use Pipedrive email instead of something else, then it needs similar features.

    Also, I have literally hundreds of folders but if I want to selectively sync just a few of these to PipeDrive, it will take me the best part of the day to untick each folder. Can you please add a function to 'select all' or 'deselect all' folders initially. I can then deselect them all and only include the handfull of folders that would be relevant to my sales activities.

  • Inês Batata
    Inês Batata Posts: 2,002 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited September 2020 #5

    Yes we also want to use pipedrive instead of gmail/thunderbird and there are no folders to sort out the emails which may not relate to a deal.  Would love for that feature to be added.  We are considering upgrading to professional but wont until this is fixed. 

    Hi @Jeremy Goldberg , thank you for your input!

    What Pipedrive actually does is it reads the list of folders/labels that exist in your email platform (Gmail, Thunderbird, Outlook, etc); you can't create new folders or delete folders in PIpedrive, it's simply a mirror image of what you have on the other end.

    So the solution, in your case, is to create a folder in your Gmail/Thunderbird where you store the email messages that are not related to deals, and don't sync that label with Pipedrive. It always works under this mirroring  logic. 😉

  • Jeremy Goldberg
    Jeremy Goldberg Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited September 2020 #6

    Yes we also want to use pipedrive instead of gmail/thunderbird and there are no folders to sort out the emails which may not relate to a deal.  Would love for that feature to be added.  We are considering upgrading to professional but wont until this is fixed. 

    Ines - thanks for the reply - I dont see what you are referring to.  I have tons of folders in gmail and thunderbird and neither show up in pipedrive.   Here is what I see and I dont see anywhere for the folders.  Please let me know what I am missing.  





  • Inês Batata
    Inês Batata Posts: 2,002 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited March 2022 #7

    Yes we also want to use pipedrive instead of gmail/thunderbird and there are no folders to sort out the emails which may not relate to a deal.  Would love for that feature to be added.  We are considering upgrading to professional but wont until this is fixed. 

    Thank you for the screenshot @Jeremy Goldberg , now I understand better what you meant.

    Folders are not replicated in Pipedrive, so what you're seeing is currently the expected behaviour. Folder names will only be shown when you are selecting which ones you want to sync. The email messages will still be stored in their respective folders in Gmail and Thunderbird, though.

    That being said, I can see how seeing the folders mirrored into Pipedrive might be useful for some users and I've forwarded your feedback to our team so they can consider it in future developments.


  • Erica Cain
    Erica Cain Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited February 2022 #8

    Likewise, I don't see a spam folder in Pipedrive email.  I know I likely have some password reset emails going there but they are not in my inbox so how do I access them?  Thanks!

  • Mark Daniels
    Mark Daniels Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 2021 #9

    we would also like to see this functionality for folders in PD. the used case is that we want our folks to use PD as their email client and not have to use an additional email client. Not all emails that our folks get are contact or deal related so they need a way to organize those emails too.

  • Mark Daniels
    Mark Daniels Member Posts: 4 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited March 2022 #10

    here's a thought ... maybe you could implement tagging / labeling of emails and then extend the filtering capability to view those groups to accomplish the same capability without having to change the UI to actually present folders.

  • Josh Buesking
    Josh Buesking Member Posts: 244 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited March 2022 #11

    I also am looking for someway to better organize my email in pipedrive. I like using it but some sort of labels are needed asap!

  • Inês Batata
    Inês Batata Posts: 2,002 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited February 2021 #12

    Likewise, I don't see a spam folder in Pipedrive email.  I know I likely have some password reset emails going there but they are not in my inbox so how do I access them?  Thanks!

    Hi @Erica Cain  currently Pipedrive doesn't sync with spam folders, so my advice is to go to your email directly and mark those messages as not spam and make sure to move them to one of the folders you're syncing Pipedrive with.

    Learn all about it with our:

    If after that you still find yourself struggling, please reach out to our Support team and they will help you. For urgent or technical issues Support is always the most adequate and quickest channel of communication. Thank you! 

  • Stefano Coluccini
    Stefano Coluccini Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited May 2022 #13

    I strongly support the request for email folders, a must have in any email client. It will make pipedrive email client usable as the main client.

  • Laura L
    Laura L Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    edited June 2021 #14

    Agree. Current email version is far from being user-friendly :(


  • Alistair Smith
    Alistair Smith Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
    edited February 2022 #15

    Long time listener, first time caller..

    I've been a big fan of email sync and use gmail labels to make sense of my inbox. I'm looking at syncing by label rather than everything but I have one quick question. Does the label sync by parent tag or do I need to select every sub label too? For example, all of my client labels sit under the client tag (client/x, client/y, client z...). In PD, can I just select the client label or do I need to tick the specific box every time I add a new client to the list? 


  • MAH
    MAH Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    The Automatic Categories of Gmail

    Is a very Important and organizing need we want to use in pipedrive as well.

    Would be glad if added ASAP

  • Maggie
    Maggie Member Posts: 9 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    I agree! Please put folders or labels of some sort to the TOP of the list! Also, it is inaccurate to say it is a mirror image when it is not. I put items in a folder in Gmail and they STILL appear in my PD inbox.

  • LewisStephenson
    LewisStephenson Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Has this been considered since 2020? I am wanting to see my gmail folders and drag and drop them accordingly, as if I was just in gmail

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,407 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    Hi @LewisStephenson , we are planning significant updates to the email inbox this year; stay tuned for more news!

  • Katie Elmer
    Katie Elmer Member Posts: 6 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Manuel Oliveira commenting on this thread as it seems relevant if updates are being planned this year. Please can we have an option to only sync (outlook/gmail etc) emails if the contact exists in Pipedrive? Otherwise EVERY email I've ever sent is visible in Pipedrive, it's a huge confidentiality risk! Have also raise a New Thread to request this.

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,407 COMMUNITY MANAGER
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    Hi @Katie Elmer ; this is only possible when you first set up your email sync, as you can set it to retroactively sync past emails from Pipedrive contacts. After that, it will sync emails in email folders you selected regardless of being Pipedrive contacts or not. But your feedback has been noted.

  • Katie Elmer
    Katie Elmer Member Posts: 6 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Thanks @Manuel Oliveira - I'm hopeful then if the tech is partly there to sync previous emails to contacts then this could be replicated ongoing. Also to flag, even though my Sent emails are flagged NOT to sync, they still do sync and appear in Pipedrive Sent which is a huge confidentiality/data issue, is there anything that can be done about this please?

  • Kreete K
    Kreete K Pipedrive Team Posts: 347 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
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    Hi @Katie Elmer

    About the folder marked as not synced and still syncing in, please check this with our Support team (via in-app chat or to understand what is happening and if everything is set up correctly. Thanks!

  • Bronwen Fraser
    Bronwen Fraser Member Posts: 19 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    @Manuel Oliveira - I am really really hoping that the engineers can somehow figure out how to exclude emails that don't involve Pipedrive Contacts from the sync as I agree with @Katie Elmer it is a huge confidentiality issue. I recently corresponded with Pipedrive about this as my boss wanted me to report on "Email" activity and when I did the report under Insights that is when I saw that it includes "every" email and it also shows the Subject Line which some of those were not for everyone's eyes to see, not to mention it makes the Insight Report absolutely useless.

    It was suggested to me that we use a separate email platform for Pipedrive Contact emailing, which is absolutely not practical, nor is it practical to create a separate folder (and only sync that one) and have to drag every "relevant" email to it, we are busy enough as it is.

    There must be some kind of filter that the engineers can apply after the sync.

    I must say though, even though I do have complaints, Pipedrive Support have been absolutely fantastic at helping with any issues I have ever had and quick also. Thank you to you all :)

  • JF
    JF Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    So what are the significant updates? Everyone asking for folders capabilities. We are in Nov and still waiting. Thanks,

  • PaulB
    PaulB Member Posts: 1 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    Just adding my own request to please add folder sync functionality within Pipedrive. Having this functionality would be such a massive addition and mean that we can conduct sales work solely from within Pipedrive, without having to deal with a cluttered inbox.

    Thanks for the work you're doing.

  • Tim Gahan
    Tim Gahan Member Posts: 2 VERIFIED MEMBER
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    I want to add my vote to adding a folder option. I spend some time making Outlook INBOX emails be either FOCUSED or OTHER. Not sure if outlook puts this designator on the import function PD uses, but if it does, I would not complain if there was an option to sync only FOCUSED emails.