Marking activities as "Missed" or "Incomplete"

NLatNWEnforcement Member Posts: 14 VERIFIED MEMBER
First Anniversary Name Dropper First Comment

Some activities are time sensitive and can only be completed by a specific due date.

If those activities aren't done on time then you can't "Mark them complete" but since you can't complete them they'll currently just linger on your "to-do" forever.

It would be helpful to be able to mark an activity as "Missed" so we don't have to keep seeing it on our "to-do's" and it won't inflate our completed tasks metric.

Not to mention running reports comparing completed tasks, overdue tasks, and missed tasks would be valuable metrics.

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  • NLatNWEnforcement
    NLatNWEnforcement Member Posts: 14 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Comment

    I do acknowledge that you can delete such activities but then they're just erased forever.

  • Manuel Oliveira
    Manuel Oliveira Admin Posts: 1,378 COMMUNITY MANAGER
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 250 Likes 25 Answers

    Hi @NLatNWEnforcement , you can use custom activity types for this purpose. For example, if an activity wasn’t completed, you could change it to a custom “missed activity” type and mark it as complete so it goes away from your “to-do” activities. Also, you’ll be able to track this activity type on your reports.

  • NLatNWEnforcement
    NLatNWEnforcement Member Posts: 14 VERIFIED MEMBER
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Comment

    Hi @Manuel Oliveira, I had considered that option, but that does not allow me to track which activity types are getting missed without doubling activity types which is very erroneous.