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Broker Pete
Broker Pete Member Posts: 3 VERIFIED MEMBER
First Comment Photogenic
edited December 2024 in Ideas and Product Feedback #1

Our team keeps our emails and calendar views public so everyone can see who has a call or sent an email to a contact or a company lead. Because of this, when we look at either 'Focus' or 'History' in the company or contact timeline, it will show up 4x in a row. This is because most of the time, each team member is cc'd on the email thread or invite. Does anyone else have this problem? And how did you fix it?

1 votes

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  • Tony Xavier
    Tony Xavier Pipedrive Team Posts: 211 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Third Anniversary 25 Answers 100 Comments 25 Likes

    Hello @Broker Pete,

    Currently, the email sync is setup in a way that it will not look for content inside the email to identify it as a duplicate, and if each user who is CC'd in the email has set email sync, each instance of the email will be added to Pipedrive and inturn to the detail view of the contact and linked organisation.

    Thank you for sharing your use case with us and with enough upvotes, we can bring this to the attention of our product team.

    In the meantime, one possible workaround would be to have your team assign a specific label to emails they have been CC'd by their colleagues and disable the option to sync this specific label/folder in the email sync settings to avoid these duplicate emails from coming into Pipedrive in the first place.