Smart docs google drive

NateKellerFree2Grow Member Posts: 4 NEW MEMBER
First Comment
edited January 29 in Apps and Integrations #1

My smart docs is not connecting to my google drive. I have done all the trouble shooting steps. Need advice ASAP. I have contracts that need to go out and I need to know if this is impacting contracts that customers already have in hand. The pipedrive chat has done nothing for me


  • Helio
    Helio Pipedrive Team Posts: 133 PIPEDRIVE TEAM
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments First Answer 5 Likes

    Hello @NateKellerFree2Grow,

    I hope you are doing well today!

    I just checked your ongoing chat with us and saw that there was a specific issue with our Smart Docs feature. The good news is that this has now been fixed!

    Could you take a moment to check and confirm if everything is working as expected? Let me know if you run into any issues.