Ability to update activities without notifying guests
Hello, I have requested this before: We need the ability to modify an activity without the invited guest receiving an email update. Why? Because it confuses the customer! Sometime we simply need to make a slight modification to the activity that does not impact the customer experience. But when they receive a notification,…
Unable to Access PipeDrive Support
I am unable to get the Chat feature to work for asking PipeDrive a question. I have the correct tier of service, but each time I click on Chat, nothing happens. I have written to "support" and those emails are answered by a bot that doesn't understand the question and I am in an endless doom circle. Before I give up on…
Drag Files From a Deal into Email (Or Save into a Separate Folder)
Hey, I have to add photos or videos to specific deals. When I want to send out info on those deals I have to re-download the saved files and then send them as attachments via email. Is there a way we can drag saved files from a deal into an email directly? This has become a crazy long process
Schedule meetings based on Sales team availability
We would like to create a booking / meeting scheduler link, which we can send out to leads or embed on the website, where a meeting is automatically assigned to an available salesperson. This could also be setup like a meeting rotation, meaning first booking is assigned to salesperson A, next booking is assigned to…
Quote with Products+photos/descriptions
I have a quote template but it only allows me to include the total price for the quote. For each customer I have a list of products and photos of the products. I would like to be able to auto send a quote at a stage and have the email include photos and descriptions of all the products for that deal. If I sell a furnace…
Contacts and Deals sync with Calendar Activities
Hi all. Is there a way to automatically have my contacts and active deals sync with calendar activities? I have synced my Google Calendar with Pipedrive. However, I noticed that although my meetings show up in my activities (which is what I want), the contact and deal fields are blank. It doesn't automatically recognise…
Is there a way to link leads to a deal (or vice versa)?
The only way I can see to link leads to deals is by converting the lead into a deal. Sometimes we have multiple leads connected to a single deal (for example, leads from different individuals at the same company, or leads that came in a year apart/for different reasons or products). Other scenarios might be: a lead goes…
Filter History should include WHO last edited it
We ran into an issue today where some filters were changed, and were not able to see WHO made the changes. The filter editing window shows who made the filter and when it was last edited, but it does not tell you WHO made that most recent change. This would be helpful to know!
Bulk Import Products Into Deals via CSV
This is a CRM - I would like to know what my customers have ordered in the past so when they call I don't take 5 mins to pull together their order history. Can Pipedrive please add the ability to add multiple products to deals via CSV import? Our ability to slice and dice this data and upsell customers based on previous…
add a deal with automations and avoid duplicate deals at the same time
Hello, I would like to automatically add deals in Pipedrive when a contact is added. It's important that a deal is only created if the imported contact has a phone number or if I assign a phone number to the contact after importing. It's also crucial that no duplicate deals are created. Contacts are imported via surf from…
remove or fix the "Your account was under review." system when using campaign module !!
During our last campaign, 700 emails were not sent because Pipedrive flagged our campaign for "review". Although the campaign was approved the next day, the 700 emails were still NOT sent ! We had NO WAY to identify which emails were not sent. After speaking with support, our request was escalated to the developers, and we…
Automatic counter in deal custom fields
Hello community! I would like to post a message asking for help. Despite my research, I haven't been able to find a solution. I am looking for a generated digital automatic counter for business on the model (year + digital counter) example Case X: 240001 Case XD: 240002 XRDX case: 240003 …. I can't seem to find any…
Norweigan mobile number - sms and call
Want to buy one Norwegian mobile number and use it for the following in Pipedrive: 1. Send and receive sms (from within pipedrive) 2. Make and receive calls (from within pipedrive) Anyone who knows how to solve this? Have been in contact with several apps/third-party without anyone that can offer both sms and call for one…
Missing and Disappearing Activities
Saw that another user reported this same issue 2022 and engineers were working on issue. We are having same issues. Activity ICON shows we have 7 but when we click in contact card there is activity is not showing.
Control over Pipedrive Email Sending Windows
Would be very helpful to have a feature in Pipedrive's Email Sync that allows users to have control over the window from which emails can be sent in Pipedrive. For example, we have reps that work later in the evening that would appreciate the ability to draft emails and have them send the following morning, or avoid…
Can I create an automation for when tracked emails are read a certain number of times?
I'd like to create an automation to send a follow-up email after an initial outreach email has been opened three to four times. Is this possible? If so, can I get pointed to an artical or video that can explain how to do so? Thanks, in advance.
Emails created by automation link to closed deals
We work a lot with closed deals. These deals have automations based off different activities including sending emails. I've only just discovered that these emails don't get linked to any deals that aren't set as "Open". Ideally, these emails should always still be linked to the deal that the automation was triggered from!
Recommendations on best use of Leads vs Deals
Hi everyone, I'd love your input on the following question please. 🙏 Thank you in advance! When using Pipedrive, is it best practice to enter all enquiries a business receives initially as a New Lead so that the conversion of leads to deals can be tracked? Or if a hot lead comes in, is it okay to enter it directly as a…
Insights Activity Progression
Hi Community, I'm wondering if anyone can help with a report I'm trying to create. A PD user has multiple Activity Types (Call 1, Call 2, Call 3 etc) and are looking to create reports to show how many Call 1's resulted in Call 2's / How many Call 2's resulted in Call 3's etc. An alternative way to look at it could be of…
Automations & Calendar Notifications
I strongly suggest that Pipedrive can make possible to automatically send and email to the invited contact of a calendar entry when it's concluded, since it's only possible to send to its creator or the contact associated with the deal.
Ability to filter emails within projects
One feature that makes a difference is being able to link emails to projects/deals and access them all within projects or deals. However, once the email is linked to the project, it becomes very difficult to find it within the project, so I think it would be interesting if we could filter the emails linked to projects by…
Pipedrive Campaigns vs. Third Party Solution
Hello fellow Pipedrivers, I am trying to decide which way to go, for a totally new list. Piepdrive Campaigns or something like MailChimp? This will be a list that might, at tops, reach five digits, but it's special interest, there will never be millions on it. Pipedrive Campaigns seems to be the natural solution, as it…
number formatting
When a custom number field is utilized one should be able to format it to show thousand designator comma currently 111909 looks like this needs to look like this 111,909
Percentage % custom field
Be able to creat a custom field as percentage and not only value as today.
Total Clicks Incorrectly Labelled as Unique
I would like to know the no. of unique clicks on each link. However in Link Performance section in Email Campaigns, clicks on each links are stated to be unique clicks & % of unique clicks, but this is not the case. It is stated that multiple links received over 300 unique clicks - but they're actually total as it exceeds…
New: API usage dashboard 🚀
Happy Monday, community! You can now track your company’s API usage over time directly from the Company Settings page: Admin users have access to an API usage graph showing the number of requests over the past 30 days Detailed breakdown shows up to 10 applications with the most requests and 10 users with the most requests.…
sms in activity list
Is there a way to have text messages sent via the app to show up in the activity list for a prospect?
Translation mistake in the pt-BR language
Hello, community, I noticed a translation error on the user's updates screen, as highlighted in the image below: The word "adicionoou" is misspelled. The correct form should be "adicionou," with just one letter "o." Hope it helps!
Reply All not working
I used to have Reply All as an option. Now I don't. Has anyone else encountered this problem? I'm getting AI-written messages from Pipedrive support that are not helpful.
Emailing files attached to leads or deals
I cant figure out how to email a file from the crm. I can attach files to leads/deals but whenever I try to send those files it wont let me. any suggestion would be appreciated.