How to get a detailed view of a pipeline phase for reporting
How do I get a detailed view of a pipeline phase for reporting? Thank you, Lory
Move duplicate Deals in another Pipeline stage
Hello, There is the possibility that I get more then one Deal with the same organisation but another contact. I plan that the new duplicate deal gets moved to a Pipeline stage "duplicate" automatically. Right now my automatisation looks like this: But it seems like it's not working. I don't get it. If there is a new Deal…
Campaigns based on deal information OR... deal templates
I'm trying the campaign feature and see that I can only use Person tokens (first and last name, etc.). Is it possible to create a deal-based campaign? For instance, I would send emails to the contacts associated with a deal (let's say all deals created in the last week) with the ability to use deal token properties in the…
Web Forms API filling
I didn't find a definitive answer to this in the documentation. If I create a Web Form, can it be filled out through the API? We have several highly customized forms on our site. We want to keep them as they are, but when someone submits them, send the answers to a 'sister' Web Form, this way we can map answers to specific…
Automatically create PipeDrive leads from other applications
We are looking for ways to automatically push leads into PipeDrive from other sources (other tools), not via an import, but via an API of maybe even Zapier. Is this already possible. If not , are there any plans to add this?
Challenge your Pipedrive configuration with this quiz
Hi community 👋, I have created a quiz to help Pipedrive users make a diagnosis on their usage and configuration of the CRM. This quiz is designed to give you actionable tips to optimize your setup. You will receive a detailed report with practical tips to fine-tune your setup and keep Pipedrive running smoothly. 🚀 Here is…
Web Visitors - change Logo
When I visit my own website, PipeDrive is recording it in PipeDrive as a visitor. This is all good. But it is linking an old logo (See attached) and an old name (Allari Solutions, Inc.). We have since rebranded…
New: Multiple labels for Contacts 🗂️
Hello, fellow community members! The Multiple Labels for contacts feature is coming out of beta and is being released to companies in all regions. What: You can assign many labels to the same person or organization. Learn more about using contact labels from our Knowledge Base article here. For whom: All plans. When:…
How to Determine Pipedrive User's Plan via API?
Hello everyone, I'm developing a third-party app to help Pipedrive users integrate with more applications. When using the POST /v1/persons API to create a person, the visible_to parameter changes based on the user's plan. How can I determine the user's current plan via the API, or how can I check if the user is on a…
Pipedrive Support
Hello, I would like to know how to contact a supports person on Pipedrive to get some help? The chatbot is quite useless, as I understand some changes were made to the chatbot and now its not possible to get into contact with anyone from support, you get a generic answer that doesn't relate to the issue provided and the…
Google Chat Integration for Pipedrive
Hi everyone, we're currently working on a Google Chat integration for Pipedrive, we would be thrilled to collect your feedback so we can build a tool that really fit your needs. Find below a link to my calendar so you can directly book a quick feedback interview with me: P.S : We're not looking to sell anything at the…
Make Contact/Organization label apply to deal via automation
Hi guys, As always, love your work. We have a situation where if a particular customer is a nightmare, we apply the label "Nightmare" to them. But if a new deal comes off, this is not obvious to our staff, and we want that same "Nightmare" label to apply to the deal via Automation? Possible? This is but one example of…
New: Files feature released today 🚀 Files Global Export
Hi, I’m Pedro Franco from the Files feature team, and I wanted to let you know that we’ve released the files global export functionality. What will you get with this release? Have the ability to export the data related to the files for your company in Global Export page under Tools and Apps The exported excel/csv will…
Bulk create new deals from Contacts or Leads
As probably suggested before, at least has been discussed in the community forums in terms of clugy work-arounds… Please create the ability to Bulk Create new deals from a set of Leads or Contacts, eg., a) allow the user to select multiple Leads or Contacts via the Bulk Edit approach (check-boxes) b) use the bulk edit…
E-Mails connected to Deals not showing anymore?
Hey after the new release some of my old e-mails i connected via the deal-link are not shown in the historie in the deals anymore. is it a known thing? do i have this problem alone? are the mails coming back? kind regards Veit
Shared report visibility
Hey! I´ve created a new report to show my colleagues all accounts they own. When I share it to them, they can only see their accounts and not all of them. Do you know why? Or how can I change that? All users have same permissions.
Unable to create a deal without person/org
For many of my deals, I can't reliably identify a person/organization I am dealing with (please don't laugh at me). This is due to platform limitations on which we operate. So I am looking for a way to create a deal through UI without specifying these two. However, when I try to do so, person/org appear to be 2 of the 3…
Ability to rename Deals
Would like to be able to change the language for "Deals" (ex. Opportunities).
Reorganize permanent fields in Summary Sidebar section
Hello, I would like to be able to either remove the permanent fields from showing in the summary sidebar section or move them to a different sidebar section. For example, my company does not use the deal probability feature, so I would like to remove this from the summary section so as not to confuse my team. Additionally,…
Parent - Child Deal Automation
Hi Team, We would like to see an option to Parent/Child deals with associated deals. We have a main pipeline for Signups/Registration and once successfull they will have deals made for 8 quarters. It would be helpful, if we can link those deals together and automate to move to different stages in respective pipelines(we…
Workflows: Multiple triggers
Hi all, It would great to have the option for more than one trigger in a workflow. At the moment I have for every "Deal created" Workflow a second Workflow with "Deal updated". I just wanna have the option to trigger the workflow when a Deal is created or updated. Or you change updated in a way that create also triggers…
Activity URL
Hi - I would ideally like to send the URL related to a particular activity once it has been completed to a colleague. What is the easiest way to get an activity URL? It is not obvious to me. Thanks! Best wishes Tim
Permission Sets to move Deals across stages
It would be great to have a feature that will limit the users who can move the Deals from one stage to another. Alternatively, a system to get a manager's approval before promoting a Deal to the next stage. I believe this would be helpful to make sure users are not falsely/mistakenly updating Deal Stages. This would also…
How to limit access to who can move Deals across stages?
Hi, I've encountered a situation where users often move the Deal to a particular stage by mistake and immediately correct it. When I go and check in the insights, even the wrong movement shows up as one count for progression and messes up our KPIs. Is there a way to control who can move the stages? Or perhaps filter the…
Recurrent event for with Microsoft account based ?
Does anyone know if it will be developed? Would it be possible to generate recurrent events from our Pipedrive calendar for Microsoft users? Thanks :)
Editable Product Description/ Personalized Description per product-deal attachment
As a company that does a lot of bespoke quoting, we have to change the agreed details of a service/product almost every time. It would be great if we could pull the standard Product Description, edit some details, and store that changed description (since those are the details of the actual service we agreed with our…
Invoicing during Projects
Hi, My business has payment terms. what happens after the deal becomes a project, how do you send invoicing for the rest of the payments and for the final payments, how do you keep track. I just noticed there is no invoicing option on Projects. Which will make this for my business completely ineffective CRM.
Can I automatically resize Product Image file for a Quote?
The support team said that the Product Image is 128 pixels. When I use smartdocs the a cell for the image, no matter what size the cell is, the image is very small and has to be manually resized. It would be great if the image filled the size of the cell. Do you have any ideas on how this could be achieved? Perhaps the 128…
Project Task Views/Filters by Date, Group and Board
Would be great to have more capabilities for sorting through tasks. Our current system leads to users having a large list of tasks, and it would be helpful to view them by board or phase, as well as a date filter that could show X days ahead (for example the following week).
How do I send an email sequence/cadence with out an automation?
I see how to send a one-off email, as well as an email sequence with an automation. How do I send an email sequence/cadence without an automation? This is very basic functionality that every other legitimate CRM has, and it doesn't seem to exist in pipedrive. I simply want to send someone a series of emails without setting…