DialPad x PipeDrive
Is there any information available on whether Pipedrive has plans to integrate with Dialpad in the near future? Copper CRM just launched an integration with DialPad
Send WhatsApp messages, documents, quotes etc. directly from within Pipedrive
Would You like to send WhatsApp messages, documents, quotes etc. directly from within Pipedrive?
More Colors for Labels
I can add up to 100 labels for a deal but there are only 10 colors available. Can the color pallet be expanded?
How to use HTML editor for Pipedrive deal email templates
Dear community, I wonder how I can use HTML in my Pipedrive emails from the deals view / using email templates. I found two related articles, but I did not find a feature to actually use HTML within the email body. Is this possible when editing a template from the deal view?…
reports between pipeline
I would like to be able to create a report to track a deal that moves between different pipelines. To measure among deals passed through a pipeline, how many went to the next pipeline, how long a deal stays in a given pipeline...
Managing LEADS stage advancements
Hello, Pipedrive community. The LEAD module of Pipedrive does not have a system to create "stages" (with a growing success % percentage like in the stages of a pipeline) to monitor LEADS advancement (like the stages of a Pipeline). In other words, all LEADS are considered in the same cluster without differentiation. If at…
Bonjour, Est il possible d'extraire toutes les adresses mails des mails que j'ai envoyé
J'aimerais récupérer toutes les adresses mails pour lesquelles j'ai adressé un mail. Certaines n'ont pas toujours été crées ni enregistrées sous un contact, ni dans une affaire. Merci pour votre retour.
Send Message / Instructions with Test Emails
Having moved from Mailchimp to Pipedrive campaigns, I am really missing the feature that allows you to send a short message or instructions with test emails. Many campaigns I create need to go to various individuals across my organisation and it is tedious to send a test email, and then a regular email saying I have sent…
Multiple Labels for contacts and organizations.
It would be great to have multiple labes for contacts and organizations. I know that I work around is custom fields, but they are not as visual as labels. A good example for labels in organizations would be: Company A: Label 1 buy procuct "semilla", Label 2 Interested in product "tierra" No potencial IN product "zamilla"…
I'm working with the CRM system and I want to automate the process of creating Documents from a template when a Deal is created. Currently the function only works for e-mail! Why not also the deal-related Document?
Address separation
Hi, I'm looking for a way to seperate an adress, so Street, postal code, city is not together and so they are in seperate fields for example in "Company" or "Person" field. Can someone tell me how to do this, I need it for a Zapier integration - maybe someone knows a way to seperate it in Pipedrive or better with Zapier -…
How do I populate a LinkedIn profile field in Contacts or Leads within Pipedrive?
I've added a set of leads using Prospector. I also added 1 lead using Surfe. How do I populate a LinkedIn profile field in Contacts or Leads within Pipedrive?
Unable to display first name and last name fields
Previously, I imported contacts from third-party applications, and all contacts had First Name and Last Name fields. Now, I am trying to manually add a new contact and encountering the following issues: The First Name and Last Name fields cannot be displayed and filled in the contact card form. The Name field cannot be…
Error while creating user using users API
Hi, I am trying to create a new user on pipedrive using users post api according to mentioned in the documentation provided on "https://developers.pipedrive.com/docs/api/v1/Users" but all times it's throw error message " Required suites missing. ". Can anyone please help on this.
Change Log and History For Leads is a Must Have
We recently had an issue with agents taking other agents leads and to our surprise, THERE IS NO CHANGE LOG FOR LEADS! There is no record what-so-ever. This is a HUGE vulnerability in the system and should be corrected immediately. PS. I'm aware that you can configure Pipedrive to prevent users from changing the owner of…
Track Pipedrive Chatbot Conversions with Facebook Pixel and Google Ads
Most of our company leads comes from paid traffic campaigns, and is really important to us to track these conversions with facebook pixel and google ads tracking code. Right now this seems impossible to do with Pipedrive Chatbot... I think one solution would be allow us to add custom code as a step in the chatbot, so we…
Why no boolean (yes/no or single checkbox) custom field type?
I'm working on integrating with a marketing automation system. In the marketing automation platforrm, there's a boolean field called "Marketing Suspended" which, when true/yes/checked, means that the person stops getting all marketing. I wanted to put a custom field on the person record in Pipedrive, but my only option is…
Importing contacts into Pipedrive with 3 key fields.. how?
Hallo, I am trying to import a lot of customer details into Pipedrive. The problem I am having is that I need to create separate entries for organizations depending on unique "suppliers" I have all the data in spreadsheets and, try as I may, I cannot find a way to create new organizations in Pipedrive distinguished by a…
Impossible to send email campaigns.
For several days, I have been experiencing problems with sending email campaigns. Background: we have been using Pipedrive for several years and very often send email campaigns to several thousand recipients who For a few days now, I have not been receiving test emails, and every time I send a campaign, the emails to most…
Is it possible to remove columns in document product table?
I'm trying to customize the product table in Pipedrive documents and need some assistance. Specifically, I only want to include the columns for Name, Unit Price, Quantity, and Amount. The current table includes irrelevant fields like "Billing Frequency," "Discount," and "Tax," which I don't want my clients to see. These…
API Endpoints for SmartDocs
I'm working with a client that also has a M365 environment. I've created an automation that creates a unique M365 Teams for each customer when a Deal is won. I did that using Make.com next step is that ALL documents related to that customer are stored in that specific Client Environment and when a customer signs a document…
What is the "Copy activity details" button on a Create Activity used for?
What is the "Copy activity details" button on a Create Activity used for? This is the right-most button:
Show on Map for Leads
Why isn't there a "Show on Map" feature for Leads, when it is available for Deals, Contacts and Organizations? We essentially have two addresses associated with each Lead - a mailing address and a business address. Both these addresses are carried over to Deals when we advance a Lead, and we are able to see the Deals on…
Merged duplicate organizations automatically
When transferring contacts from LinkedIn using tools like Surfe, duplicate organizations are created. I know they can be merged manually, but why isn't this done automatically?
Monthly goals per product
Hello, Is there a way to create a sales goal per product vs what has been sold? Thank you!
How to hide "Onboarding checklist"?
The button keeps getting in the way, and I don't understand how to remove it completely!
Branches of Organisations
Hello there, I'm trying to integrate the branches of the various organisations in Pipedrive. It's important for our work, because we do not only have deals for the whole company (organisation)but for their single branches. But i could not figure out how's the best way. Are there any plans from Pipedrive to make a third…
UX Improvements in bulk operations with contacts
I can say for sure that this sidebar on the right should not open automatically. It violates all UX design principles and makes it impossible to select multiple contacts. You left horizontal scrolling, but the left column, which should serve as a guide, is not fixed, causing disorientation. Even if you fix it, the last…
Cancel the campaigns add-on during trial period
Hi all, I understand that PD is a money generating entity and all that BUT my company (an existing user of PD) decided to try the Campaigns add on and unfortunately I didn't see that there were problems with the platform until it was too late. The issue that I have is that of course, they have my payment details for the…
Transitioning from Pipedrive Campaigns to Mailchimp
Hi everyone, Due to ongoing issues with Pipedrive Campaigns, we are planning to switch our email marketing to Mailchimp. Has anyone here made this transition before? We're finding it challenging to transfer our Pipedrive filters to a Mailchimp audience seamlessly. Has anyone successfully managed to get this working? Any…