Pipedrive LABEL value not visible in ZAPIER.COM
Hello, I’m building a link between PipeDrive and ActiveCampaign, using Zapier.com. The chosen Label values for a contact person, as well as for a company are not visible in Zapier. Does anyone have a solution for this? Thanks! Michel
Q&A: Generate more leads with Social Selling
Hello Pipedrivers, ☀️ Thank you for attending the 'Generate More Leads with Social Selling' webinar. We hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for all your questions. Unfortunately, we didn't have enough time to answer all of them live. We have answered the remaining questions and you can find them in the comments section. If you…
New organization report
Any idea how to make a report that shows how many organisations have been "transformed" for a confirmed customer, let's say this month? Organisations and persons are already created when we find the specific potential customer and do not know yet if it will be a customer or not.
Would You like an activity to be able to attach a file/document?
Would You like an activity to be able to attach a file/document?
Insights : Product Sales Reporting by Custom Field
Hi, Currently, there is no elegant way to report on the sales value of a 'type' of product being sold, via Insights. It's possible to build a report filtered by specific list of products, and it's possible to show the value of those products in a pie graph, but you can only select the Product field - you cannot select…
Allow creation of SEND FROM as email addresses using SMTP
The option to add email addressess that can be used as a "SEND FROM" email address by any users or defined by user group. These could be configured with a SMTP server (for instance we use Postmark). If we wanted an email to be sent as sales@ or team@ for instance and anyone can send using that email address. Also allow to…
How to add an email reminding me to do an activity
Hello everyone. Is there a way for pipedrive to e-mail you automatically when you have a task that is due?
Phone number validation
We have partners whose sales teams are inputting digits other than just numbers into phone number fields. This not only effects data quality but it prevents VOIP phones from calling the number. It would seem sensible to add some verification to the phone number field that it is, in fact a phone number. As a starter we…
Products not accessible from Android mobile app
We have this issue since the beginning of the week. We tried to uninstal and reinstal the app but we do not have access to the products anymore…
New: JustCall integration for Android
Hello pipedrivers! The Pipedrive mobile app for Android now offers a new option to call your contacts using JustCall! As long as JustCall is installed on your Android device, you can set it up as a caller option in the Pipedrive mobile app settings. Then, JustCall will be available to make and log calls. This update is…
Custom fields not accessible in the mobile view
Hello, I have discovered that custom fields I have created (which are key customer identifiers in our business and search) are not able to be used on the mobile phone view. This means when we are out in the field we can not search for our customer, upload photos or documents easily to their file. It means photos and other…
Ability to change person associated for a call log
In the person's page, call logs are automatically entered because of our phone integration. However, there seems to be no way to modify to whom the call is associated with. If an organisation has multiple people, that all call you from the company's main phone number, the call logs get associated to anyone of the people,…
How do I stop automation?
Hello all, I have built an automation with 6 consecutive e-mails in one phase. However, deals that were in this phase continue to receive automated emails even if they are marked as lost or are in a different phase. Even if I switch an automation to inactive, emails continue to be sent. Can anyone help me with what could…
Duplication Rule on Email is Broken
The default duplication rule on contacts (name + any of primary email, phone number or organization) does not really work for us, since we regularly update contacts from their submissions of registration forms. And people misspell their names surprisingly often. They rarely misspell their email addresses though, because…
Enable Related Organisations Field throughout Pipedrive
I already posted this as a comment to another suggestion but just to be sure it gets noticed :-) It would be really great if the field Related Organisations is made available in other parts of Pipedrive. Currently you only have access to this information on the Organisation Detail Page and not having it on the Organsiation…
Newsletter web form issue
Hi, New Pipedrive user here….I'm trying to collect newsletter subscribers on my website using a PD webform. From what I can see, the only option (under the Submit Options tab, Saving Preferences) is to save anyone completing the form as either a Lead or a Deal. I don't want to save these contacts as this as they're not…
Campaigns: view in browser link
Pipedrive Campaigns does not allow to create a public link to share them (in a social link or just to make sure people can read the content). It would be great to add that feature
Sending a WhatsApp message in a automation
Hi, Does anyone know if it's possible to send a WhatsApp message (via Twilio) through an automation? I have an automation set up to send 2 follow up emails if contact in a Deal doesn't book a call. I'd like the third follow up to be a WhatsApp message but can't see this as an option. Thanks!
Pipedrive is always using my microphone. Why?
For some reason Pipedrive is always using my microphone, and if I disable the permission, it constantly bugs me by asking me to give permission to use the microphone. This seems like a terrible security risk. What is happening?
Use date as a trigger for automations
What i want to do, is to use expected close date, or a custom field that uses date- as a starting point for action. i.e. deal updated- expected close date has changed - expected close date is prechosen? Sama goes with custom field that is in date format. Use case could be that i have a custom field "Validity of the…
How to Track Discount Trends?
Hello. I am trying to track metrics such as, average discount, which reps are giving the most / least discount, etc. Unfortunately, I don't see a way to display the "Discount" field in Deals or Insights. Any ideas, please? Thanks!
Creates notes via workflow automation
Hello there, I use workflow automation to help my sales team and it could be interesting to manage "notes" with Automation and to pin them if we want to.
Feature Request: Ability to exclude Calendar items marked as Private
We use Calendly which allows clients to schedule available time on my work calendar however, there are times when I have a personal appointment during the work day that needs to be on my work calendar but not synched to Pipedrive. Having the ability to exclude calendar items marked as Private would solve this problem.…
Workflow Automation - Add a note to record
Currently there is no way for workflow automation to add a note to the record. Since activity notes are not searchable, I had hoped to create a workflow that adds the activity notes to the contact record making it easy to search. It seems this ability to automatically add a note would have other uses also. This is loosely…
Add Notes for Workflow Automation
Would be great to be able to create new notes via the workflow automation :)
Ajouter balise GTM aux formulaires
Bonjour, Je souhaite installer une balise Google Tag Manager sur la soumission de mes formulaires intégrés Pipedrive. Sauriez-vous me dire comment ? J'utilise Webflow pour mon site web. Merci d'avance !
JustCall SMS Automations
Hello, Our community uses JustCall to reach out to prospects and we have been looking for a way to set up automations as we have a high lead count and not enough time to reach out to every prospect. I have seen other CRMs such as Active Campaign integrating their automations with JustCall, but unfortunately Pipedrive does…
Email Labels in Timeline and related Improvements
Not so long ago, labelling was added to Emails. For example, you can add the label "offer." However, these only shows in the email box, not on the deal or contact level, which means you do not see it unless you created it. Also, you cannot just scan down a deal and quickly see this label. --- In addition to the above, I…
Did pipedrive changed recently its SAML integration?
Hello We are an IDP vendor with support for pipedrive for a while, and recently we see that our SAML Response is not accepted anymore by pipedrive Is there any change in the SAML requirement? The KB is empty on any technical informations regarding the SAML Response requirements.
Do you know how to generate custom ID number for each offers?
I'd like to generate an ID number for each offer and inclement it. It should be like ID which u inclement / date I already made it in "Zapier" but there are some problems when u generate two offers in the same time. I'm using Google Sheets as my database and I'm saving all ID's there.