Project Task Notes, Emails, and Documents
While this may sound like 3 ideas and I guess technically it is, certain tasks should really be the "container" for information that could easily get lost among a large amount of communication via notes, emails, and documents. If you could populate notes for specific tasks or add the ability to comment that would enable…
Frequency limits error disappeared but automation incomplete
My automation was stopped due to frequency limits - and I saw the error. I understand that we triggered the campaign via a 'bulk edit' which caused the error. However now it has been a few weeks and I cannot see any 'stopped' executions in my automations history or any indication that we had hit frequency limits. The…
Webform not displaying correctly on squarespace
Our webform has stopped displaying correctly on Squarespace - it only shows two fields. You can tab to the other fields but there is no submit. Is anyone else having these issues or does anyone have suggestions for a fix?
Tagging leads
We want to create a list of leads from a subset group in our current leads. Then we want to create a sequence to message them. So we will need to tag or label those leads. It will be more than 100 leads so it is not really possible to do this manually. Can anyone think of a way I can do this effectively?
First Name and Last Name
Hi, Is there a way to have two separate fields "First Name" and "Last Name" when adding a contact? As far as I can see, a single field "Name" pops up and later on Pipedrive splits it into first and last name. I would like to enter single and last name separately. This would help in some cases, especially when I only get a…
"Log call as" feature defaults to an existing irrelevant activity
Hi all, We have come across an issue with the desktop call logging feature and I haven't yet found a way to modify it's behaviour. Has anyone else come across it and have a solution? Our scenario is as follows: From a Deal in the desktop browser. Person A initiates a call to their mobile using the standard Pipedrive call…
How to make all (relevant) data fields are visible within a deal
Dear all, I have created the following datafield as custom fields I now would like to show all of them in a deal. That's why I marked "Lead/deal add view" with the relevant fields: However, when I click on a deal I still see this (so only a fraction of the data fields). Any thoughts on what I should change to get to see…
Convert a lead to deal based on Email interaction
Hello, I am sending out first email to the leads to filter them out. I would like to convert the leads to deals depending on their interaction with the Email. For e.g. if they open or click anything in email it should be automatically converted. But to do so I didn't find any matching action in Automations. Please find the…
What permissions do users need on the SharePoint side to access the Pipedrive ([Company]) folder?
We are creating permission groups in SharePoint for all the users that need access to the Pipedrive folder for Smart Docs. We want to keep the Pipedrive folder in our companies Internal SharePoint site, but we cannot determine what permissions the users need to see the files on the Pipedrive side. We created a read only…
Email: Filter search results by Inbox / Archive
I would like to use the search function to find open emails in my inbox. Unfortunately, the results list includes emails that have already been archived. This is not useful as I want to find emails that have not yet been archived. Therefore, I would like to have a filter function to exclude emails that have already been…
How long does Pipedrive store uploaded files
Hello, does Pipedrive delete files that have been uploaded to a deal after a certain timeframe? I have a few deals that have come back to life, but when I went to open the files, they were no longer there. If they delete the files, are files uploaded to any deal eventually deleted, regardless of whether they are won or…
Action needed: Save your durations data
Did you also receive this email? Pipedrive is currently making changes to the product duration feature. If you've been using this feature (for example, with monthly subscriptions or multi-year contracts), you'll need to transfer your data by June 11th, otherwise, it will be lost. Pipedrive recommends two methods for this:…
Importing Leads CVS - Organization Problem
Dear Pipedrive Community, When I import new points of contact and leads into Pipedrive, it is creating new organizations. I then have, for example, four new "proctor & gamble" companies, when I only want to create new deals and points of contact with their email, number etc. under the existing organization? How can we…
How are you listing several services on your Proposals?
Hi Pipedrive community, Curious if anyone has insight on this…my team sends proposals that will sometimes have line items for several services we offer. As of now, we have to combine everything into one deal - which means when we go back to report on how much we made, we see the total amount for the entire deal and can't…
Add other "Labels" to Phone numbers than "Private / Office / Mobile"
Hello, we would like to be able to add other labels to phone numbers than "Office / Private / Mobile". We use one contact in pipedrive for a married couple and in our earlier CRM we had "Her" and "Him" as classification to show whether it is the husband or wife's phone number. Could this feature be put on the roadmap? I am…
Segment products by their variations
I'd be glad if we could segment the product by their variations, like the example hele below:
Option to delete posts in Community forums
A post I made was erroring out when clicking save (a cryptic error was shown in a pop up dialog, with no page refresh), so I clicked save multiple times. When I gave up trying to make the post and returned to the main community page, I saw that each time I clicked Save a post was made. If there's a way to delete posts,…
Each ACTIVITY could be linked to more than one DEAL at the same time
In many situations, a phone call, meeting or another kind of activity is about various deals, not just one. Now a days, I need to choice the more associated deal to link with the activity. It would be nice if it was possible to link two or even more deals in a same activity. For example: if a participate in a meeting with…
Issues with HTML coding in emails from an automation
Hi there, We send out notes on an activity as an email when certain activities are marked as done. Currently the emails are now only showing the HTML coding for formatting etc instead of the actual formatting. It only started yesterday. Does anyone have any ideas???
Booking clean-up
Hi there, I got a deal from my team that was signed and supposed to be booked in March. How can I adjust the booking of that deal so it lands in March? Thanks.
Realising value of won deal in the future
We are an events agency using Pipedrive to manage our pipeline of client events. Our events (deals) will often be won a few months before we realise the revenue from the events (once the event is delivered). However when I move a deal to 'won' it automatically realises the value of that deal on the day I move it. This…
Conditional logic for display of custom fields in Deal detail.
I have spoken with Pipedrive support and this doesn't exist/isn't possible, but placing it here as a feature request. The use case is: * We use Label field for our Organisations, to categorise the type of organisation eg. Lender, Customer, Consultant. We also have plenty of custom fields. Certain custom fields may relate…
Anyone else having issue with deleted email content after sending?
I've been experiencing an intermittent issue over the last several months where a blank email is received and shown in 'sent', appearing to have delete the contents of the email. Attachments always remain, however the actual text of the email goes missing. I am no deleting the text by mistake and this does not happen on a…
Connect an activity to multiple deals and Connect an email to multiple deals
We need urgent development assistance from you! Pretty often, we have multiple deals with a company. Negotiation runs typically with the same person or team, so we discuss multiple deals parallelly, both via phone calls, meetings, and also emails. It is an unnecessary and huge administrative struggle to create and copy the…
Add a second email address to receive summary report
Can I add a second email adress to receive summary report?
SmartDocs Knowledge Base article is wrong... please correct.
Dear Pipedrive-Team, I am wondering what the logic behind your Knowledge-Base article regarding addresses in smartdocs is: In the article you describe, that standard address fields can be broken down into ZIP-code, street, house number, and then inserted into a smart doc. You show that this is possible for organizations…
Mandatory Field blocking the whole automation process
Hi everyone, I'm trying to create an automation, that sends a email (based on a simple template) when a deal is created in the system. To do that I have created an automation that is triggered by a deal creation and the action is "send email based on a template". In the required field for this automation, I have selected…
Feature Request: more data in campaign reports
I'd really like to see more data in the campaign reports, or customisable columns here. For example, I'd like to be able to see the Contact Owner here so I can email my sales team with their customers that have unsubscribed so they can take further action.
Automated emails from deal owners, not deal creators.
As a Pipedrive Admin, I would like to set up automated emails for deal owners, based on when a deal is moved to a new stage by a sales rep. I understand how to set up the workflow. My question is, since I set it up (deal creator), the emails are coming from email address. How can I make sure the emails are being sent from…
Support Chat
For some time now the way you open a new support chat has been tricky...most of the time I press the button to pull up the side panel, I then click chat to support and no pop up box opens. I have told support about this before, they did tests etc but its not been fixed